Aditya Mandayam
° 1983
Born in Sri Lanka (India), lives in Brussel (Belgium), lives in Amsterdam (Netherlands).
“In my work I try to question every element of the photographic process: memory and the mechanical eye.” - Aditya Mandayam
The Indian artist Aditya Mandayam (b. 1983) is difficult to label. He describes himself as traveler and writer, something confirmed by his sojourns in Bolivia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium. Just as his place of residence changes, he also changes name with clocklike regularity, presenting himself as “Yayati Papita, That Palpitating Talapati”, “Popobobo Oddodood”, and now recently as “Ekko Lokkwa”. “In my work I try to question every element of the photographic process: memory and the mechanical eye.” – Aditya Mandayam His work is as non-describable as is his person. His oeuvre includes installations, poems, text-based pieces and performances in varying concentrations, apparitions and formats. One common thread in this body of work is the artist's use of experimental photography in the recuperation and manipulation of found images.