Issam Al Said

1938 - 1988

Geboren in Baghdad (Iraq).

"Art is to serve a purpose and allow people to develop their own creative instincts from it. We have become far removed from such ideas. In the old days, art began as a craft; it was used towards a given end. This is not the case today. Take the architect for example, he is a master-builder of yesterday, but he has lost touch with his basic tools: earth, wood, brick, concrete. Things have become too abstract; so abstract that we can no longer relate to them on a practical level." - Issam Al Said

Als architect, graficus, ontwerper en schilder tracht de Iraakse kunstenaar Issam Al Said (°1938 - †1988) een praktijk te onderhouden waarbij hij zijn geloof, traditionele ambachten en een moderne esthetiek met elkaar probeert te verzoenen. In zijn schilderijen zien we de kenmerken van spiritualiteit en de mathematische principes die aan de grondslag liggen van de traditionele islamitische non-figuratieve kunst.


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