©image: Maria Theresa Alves
1940 - 2021
Leeft in Berlin (DE), geboren in US.
Jimmie Durham is in 1940 geboren in (of zoals hij zelf zegt, ‘onder’) de staat Arkansas in de VS en groeide op in een familie van inheemse Amerikanen, genaamd Cherokee. Na verschillende jobs, studeerde hij begin jaren zeventig kunst aan de Academie van Schone Kunsten in Genève. Tijdens de confrontatie met de US federal forces (het leger van de Noordelijke staten van de VS) bij Wounded Knee in 1973 werd hij lid van de inheems-Amerikaanse activistengroep American Indian Movement. Durham werd voorzitter van de Internatinal Indian Treaty Council en hun vertegenwoordiger bij de VN gedurende het decenium. Hij is een van de weinige vooraanstaande hedendaagse kunstenaars die zo’n praktische ervaring opgedaan heeft in de politiek. Begin jaren tachtig is hij in New York teruggekeerd naar de kunst, en rond 1990 woonde hij in Cuernavaca (Mexico). In 1994 verhuisde hij weer naar Europa. Nu woont hij in Berlijn en Napels. Dankzij zijn deelname aan Documenta 9 in 1992 is zijn internationale aanhang aanzienlijk gegroeid. Zijn prominente aanwezigheid bij Documenta 13 in 2012 is daar het bewijs van. Durhams werk is cruciaal geweest, niet enkel voor de opkomst van een ware globale en multipolaire kunstwereld, maar ook om de relatie tussen visuele kunst en het denken, dat de toekomst van alle inspanningen van de kunst zou kunnen bepalen, te versterken. Zijn beeldhouwwerken, installaties, tekeningen en video’s zijn erg politieke acties, inclusief object, beeld en tekst. Ze analyseren, bekritiseren en vertellen verhalen. Maar ze stellen geen vragen. Volgens de Amerikaanse inheemse traditie is dat zoveel mogelijk te vermijden.
>Durham in Brussel, 1995
>Jimmie Durham in Brussel, 1995
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1970-2012.Mixed Media, wood, metal, fur.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1970.Sculpture, mahogony, glass marbles, 128 x 36 x 25 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1970.Sculpture, red and grey granite, 12 x 58 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1972-2012.Sculpture, black granite, iron, 85 x 195 x 85 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Columbus Day, 1983.Book, 21,6 cm x 13,6 cm, 104 p.
>Jimmie Durham, On Loan From the Museum of the American Indian, 1985.Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham - Poesiealbum 209, 1985.Book, ink, paper, 21.5 x 12.5 cm, 31 p., language : German, author : Jimmie Durham, publisher : Verlag Neues Leben, Berlin.
>Jimmie Durham, Bedia's Stirring Wheel, 1985.Sculpture, aluminium, leather, fur, paint, feathers, skull, string, cloth, steering wheel, 115 x 46 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Pocahontas' Underwear, 1985.Object, feathers, beads, fabric, fasteners, 31 x 25 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Bedia's Muffler, 1985.Sculpture, metal, leather, beads, shells, acrylic paint, 86,4 x 115,2 x 12 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, New York Gitli, 1985.Sculpture, skull, braid, acrylic paint, shell, turquoise, metal, 120 x 29 x 70 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Tlunh Datsi, 1985.Sculpture, skull, feathers, turquoise, acrylic paint, shells, wood, 103 x 91 x 81 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, A Dead Deer, 1986.Sculpture, skull, bone, wood, paint, string, plastic, 120 x 72 x 14.4 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Element from The Little Carpenter, 1987.Sculpture, snakeskin, paint, 21 x 150 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Cowfamily, 1987.Drawing.
>Jimmie Durham, Self-Portrait, 1987.Sculpture, canvas, wood, paint, feather, shell, turquoise, metal, 173 x 87 x 29 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Two Legs of Wood, 1988.Other, 70 x 22 x 22 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Four Scenes for the British Army, 1988.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, The Two Johns, 1988.Sculpture, wood, paint, 54 x 61 x 6 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, La Malinche, 1988-1991.Sculpture, wood, cotton, snakeskin, watercolour, polyester, metal, 168 x 56 x 84 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Raccoon (Skunk), 1989.Sculpture, mixed media, 170 x 62 x 52.
>Jimmie Durham, Heisenberg Principle, 1989.Sculpture, mixed media.
>Jimmie Durham, Articles 2 and 3 from the 1986 Pinkerton's Agency Manual, 1989.Installation, ceramic, wood, paper, polyester, 132 x 24 x 24 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 1989.Sculpture, moose skull, wood, antler, paint, metal, 244 x 144 x 137 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Footnote, 1989.Sculpture, bronze, chain, card, 10 x 31 x 7 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham: The Bishop's Moose and the Pinkerton Men, 1990.Book, 28 x 21,5 cm, 36 p.
>Jimmie Durham, Crazy for Life, 1990.Video.
>Jimmie Durham, Rabbit, 1990.Sculpture, skull, shells, wood, paint, text, 51 x 66 x 120 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Savage, 1991.Performance.
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>Jimmie Durham, Artist’s Disclaimer, 1991.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Squirrel), 1991.Sculpture, cast head, beads, paint, wood, 127 x 63 x 28 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Cortez, 1991.Sculpture, metal, wood, pvc, paper, 225 x 145 x 52 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Language is a tool for communication like a city or a brain, 1991-1992.Installation, ink, paper, 360 x 510 mm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1991.Sculpture, wood, canvas, paint, shells, 150 x 70 x 70 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Armadillo), 1991.Sculpture, cast head, beads, paint, wood, photograph, 125 x 60 x 23 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Virginia/Veracruz (Madrid), 1992.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Virginia/Veracruz (London), 1992.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Virginia/Veracruz, 1992.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Approach in Love and Fear, 1992.Installation.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Amenemope, an Egyptian soldier, 1370 BC), 1992.Sculpture, wood, iron, bone, paper, 45 x 30 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1992.Mixed Media, brass, mud, glue, wood, 49.2 x 38.4 x 6 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1992.Mixed Media, papier mâché, marble dust, wood, 38 x 25 x 11 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Caliban's Mask), 1992.Sculpture, glass eyes, button, mud, pvc pipe, glue, 24 x 16 x 5 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, I Forgot What I Was Going to Say, 1992.Sculpture, wood, metal, bone, paper, wire, 78 x 55 x 5 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Die kleine Fulda, 1992.Sculpture, pvc pipe, 265 x 20 x 120 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Himmelfahrt [Ascension], 1992.Sculpture, wood, iron, acrylic, 29 x 55 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Treff [Encounter], 1992.Sculpture, wood, iron, acrylic paint, 215 x 205 x 107 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Jesus. Es geht um die Wurst [Jesus. It's about the Sausage], 1992.Sculpture, wood, iron, steel, ink, paper, acrylic, mud, glue, 152 x 40 x 113 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Zipper), 1993.Sculpture, mixed media, 142 x 11 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, Gilgamesh and Me, 1993.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, What Sort of Thing Is It?, 1993.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, My Book, The East London Coelacanth, Sometimes Called, Troubled Waters; The Story of British Sea-Power, Begins With a Chapter Titled;, 1993.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Miwon Kwon, Covert operations, 1993.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1993.Sculpture, painted wood box, bone, glass, 4 x 6 x 10 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1993.Sculpture, plastic tube, wood, tape, 15 x 28 x 4 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, ελθων δ΄ εξ ορεος μεϒας αιετος αϒκυλοχειλης πασι κατ΄ αυχενας ηξε και εκτανεν, 1993.Sculpture, axe handle, canvas, metal, 19 x 12 3/4 x 1 1/2 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, mishap in the jungle. The rest of them were mostly Indians: tough young fellows with wiry strength and impassive faces. The whitest, 1993.Sculpture, plywood, paper, paint, 6 1/4 x 31 x 1 1/8 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, Sonderbar kam es mir vor, daß sie diese Übung an einer alten Stadtmauer ohne die mindeste Bequemlichkeit für die Zuschauer vornehmen; warum sie es nicht im Amphitheater tun, wo so schöner Raum wäre!, 1993-2012.Sculpture, viewmaster, flood light bulb, 39 x 15 x 15 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, Types of Murder Weapons, by Maigret, 1993.Mixed Media, wood, metal, pvc, 61 x 61 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Types of Pipes, by Magritte, 1993.Mixed Media, wood, metal, pvc, 61 x 61 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, My Book, The East London Coelacanth, Sometimes Called, Troubled Waters; The Story of British Sea-Power, Begins With a Chapter Titled;, 1993.Book, 24,6 cm x 17,4 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham - A Certain Lack of Coherence (Writings on Art and Cultural Politics), 1993.Book, 21,4 cm x 14,6 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Gilgamesh, 1993.Sculpture, wood, iron, pvc, axe, metal, 355 x 63 cm, 300 x 140 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1994.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Europe, 1994-2011.Photography, digital photographs.
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>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Nothing Works Out Right (Except Sometimes Almost), 1994.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham: Interviewed by Mark Gisbourne, 1994.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Les faux-tarots des franc-plombiers, 1994.Installation, paint, canvas, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Corbel, 1994.Sculpture, painted wood, papier-mâché, polyester, 33 x 39 x 22 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, A Friend of Mine Said that Art is a European Invention, 1994.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Garçon, Garou, Gargouille, 1994.Sculpture, papier maché, pvc pipe, leather, 150 x 400 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Paradigm for an Arch, 1994.Sculpture, pvc pipe, wood, papier maché, horn, paper, polystyrene, cloth, 308 x 215 x 20 cm.
>Julian Villaseñor, Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, The Man Who Had a Beautiful House, 1994.Video, dvd, 00:07:27.
>Jimmie Durham, Un example, 1994.Sculpture, wood, stone, papier maché, glass, coal expoxy, 46 x 65 x 11 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Não adianta..., 1995.Sculpture.
>Jimmie Durham, Parecem dramáticos..., 1995.Sculpture, wood, paper, iron, 28 x 23 x 34 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Não sei se posso desejar-lhe..., 1995.Sculpture, wood, ceramic, 113 x 12 x 14 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Foi coincidência, 1995.Sculpture, wood, stone, mirror, iron, grafite, photography, text, 20 x 49 x 43 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, The Center of the World at Middelburg, 1995.Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Note on Glass, 1995.Text, paper, marker.
>Jimmie Durham, A Staff for the Center of the World in Siberia, 1995.Performance.
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>Jimmie Durham, This Probably Will Not Work, 1995.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Center of the World at Middelburg, 1995.Text.
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>Jean Fisher, Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham. Attending to Words and Bones: An interview with Jean Fisher, 1995.Text.
>Maria Thereza Alves, Jimmie Durham, 13, Rue Fenelon, 1995.Video, 00:30:00.
>Jimmie Durham, Pole for the center of the World and Brussels (sic), 1995.Sculpture, wood, mirror, cable, 185 x 6 x 6 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maquette for Public Monument for the Birthday of Rome, 1995.Sculpture, mixed media, 34 x 20 x 20 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Public Monument for the Birthday of Rome, 1995.Installation, mixed media, 250 x 450 x 250 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Enough!, 1995.Video, 00:02:40.
>Jimmie Durham, Do you Say I'm Lying?, 1995.Sculpture, wood, canvas, paint, steel, sea shell, metal coin, 62 x 66 x 17 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Resurrection, 1995.Multiple, tv set, flagstones, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Triptych as Sandwich in Red Granite and Belgian Mail Sack, 1995.Sculpture, red granite, belgian mail sack, 11 x 47 x 29 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait as Rosa Lévy, 1995-2006.Photography, ink, paper, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Collected Stones, 1995-2002.Video, dvd, 00:24:13.
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>Jimmie Durham, Eurasian Project, Stage One, 1996.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Elements from La Porte de l'Europe (les bourgeois de Calais), 1996.Mixed Media.
>Jimmie Durham, Drawing performance, 1996.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Stoning the Refrigerator, 1996.Video.
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>Jimmie Durham, The Desperate and Tired Calm of Julian’s Clay Pots, 1996.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Waiting to be interrupted, 1996.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Birds, 1996.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, On Becoming Authentic, 1996.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Maybe I Will Do Nothing Visible in Yakutia, 1996.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Just Another Artist (not a Prince of the Netherland), 1996.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Julie Talks with Jimmie Durham, 1996.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, HTV, 1996.Video, pal, 00:02:30.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, A Heavy Stone, 1996.Video, pal, 00:01:00.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, A Stone from Metternich's House in Bohemia, 1996.Video, pal, 00:00:30.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Incident at Middelburg, 1996.Video, pal, 00:01:12.
>Jimmie Durham, Oui / Pas Oui, 1996.Drawing, 9 x .
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>Jimmie Durham, The Libertine and The Stone Guest, 1996.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Barrière rouge, en perspective, 1996.Installation, wood, string, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Le bâton pour marquer le centre du monde à Reims, 1996.Sculpture, wood, mirror, 192 x 6 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Un projet à Lille, 1996-1997.Video.
>Jimmie Durham, The Four Directions, 1996.Sculpture, wood, metal, bone button, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Shrouds and Swaddling Clothes of Decomissioned Saints, 1996.Installation, plastic, clothes, dirt, hair, glue, 2 x (28 x 45 x 45 cm).
>Jimmie Durham, Une machine désire de l'instruction comme un jardin désire de la discipline, 1996.Installation, wood, cotton thread, print on paper, Variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, A Fountain in Case Your Roof Leaks, 1996.Sculpture, glass, wood, steel pot, rope, 123 x 50 x 50 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, St. Frigo, 1996.Sculpture, refrigerator, 132 x 60 x 60 cm.
>Jean-Pierre Rehm, Denys Zacharopoulos, Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham - Eurasian Project, Stage One, 1996.Book, 21 cm x 15,2 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, I found these pieces of glass just outside what I believe must be the Villa Borghese, in Rome, 1997.Mixed Media, glass, paper, semi-precious stones, metal, 61 x 43 x 57 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, The Center of the World or How to get at Chalma, 1997.Installation.
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>Jimmie Durham, Seven Parts, 1997.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, One Thousand Objects for the Thousandth Anniversary of Trondheim, 1997.Installation, mixed media.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Pink Granite at Work, 1997.Video, pal, 00:01:00.
>Jimmie Durham, Homage to David Hammons, 1997.Installation, porcelain, stone, pvc, Variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Arc de Triomphe for Personal Use (Turquoise), 1997.Sculpture, painted metal, 250 x 150 x 100 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Eurasia, A Scent, 1997.Sculpture, glass bottle, scent, textile, 25 x 7 x 10 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, The Fountain of the Two Birds, 1997-2012.Installation, plastic bottles, pvc gutter, water, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Ketchup and Mustard, 1997.Mixed Media, condiments, canvas, 140 x 190 x 6 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, A Project to Create Sympathy in the Home, 1998.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham: Between the Furniture and the Building (Between a Rock and a Hard Place), 1998.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham, 1998.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Notwithstanding, 1998.Drawing, graphite, paper, 107 x 78 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Eleven Stone Parts, 1998.Sculpture, mixed media, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, A Stone Bra for the Venus de Milo, 1998.Mixed Media, chalk, ink, paper, 30 x 40 cm, 42 x 29.7 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, The Dangers of Petrification II, 1998-2007.Installation, paper, stone, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, The Dangers of Petrification I, 1998-2007.Installation, stone, paper, knife, ceramics, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham - Between the Furniture and the Building (Between a Rock and a Hard Place), 1998.Book, 22,9 cm x 15,5 cm.
>Mark Alice Durant, Dirk Snauwaert, Laura Mulvey, Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham, 1998.Book, 29 cm x 25 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, Our New Intelligent Ignorance, 1999.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1999.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham, 1999.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Richard William Hill, The Center of the World is Several Places (Parts I & II), 1999.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, A Piece of Concrete Wearing a Stone Mask and a Necktie, 1999.Sculpture, mixed media, 93 x 34 x 18 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, A stone Asleep in Bed at Home, 2000.Video.
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>Jimmie Durham, Berlin, April 2000, 2000.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Artist's Portrait: Jimmie Durham, 2000.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Belief in Europe, 2000.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, You Have Another Chance [U Heeft Nog Een Kans], 2000.Installation.
>Jimmie Durham, Still Life with Architectural Elements, 2000.Assemblage, metal, table, marble table top, stone, acrylic paint.
>Jimmie Durham, A Stone Asleep in Bed at Home, 2000.Installation, grey granite, cotton, chestnut wood, pinewood, 200 x 155 x 101 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Stoneheart, 2001.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Three Pretentious Rocks, 2001.Mixed Media, stone, wooden shelf, wooden sign, 40 x 105 x 24 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, Cisco Jiménez, 2001.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Stone Heart, 2001.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Fruit Table, 2001.Video, 00:01:30.
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>Jimmie Durham, Nature in the City: a Diary., 2001.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, A Gift To The Future, 2001.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Personal Triumphs of the Fourth Kind, 2001.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, The Vitrine of Childish Delights, 2001.Installation, glass vitrine, shells, seeds, wood, 85 x 75 x 25 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, Pursuit of Happiness, 2002.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Public Transaction, 2002.Performance.
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>Jimmie Durham, Eurasia, 2002.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Anders Tornberg, 2002.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, The Right to Dismiss, 2002.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, The Pursuit of Happiness, 2002.Video, 35 mm, dvd, 00:12:00.
>Jimmie Durham, Almost Spontaneous #4, 2003.Painting, 120 x 100 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Hommage à Filliou 2, 2003.Installation.
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>Jimmie Durham, And Yet, 2003.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Stone Top (Nest), 2003.Installation, car, stone, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Perhaps Mr. Palomar , 2003.Sculpture, grey granite, acrylic paint, 21 x 12 x 12 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, In the Joyeria of the Zanahorias, 2003.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, On Contact [Over Contact], 2003.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Internal Affairs, 2003.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, My fake God, 2003.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Black Walnut, 2003.Assemblage, paper, text, black walnut wood, walnuts, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Hommage à Filliou, 2003.Sculpture, purpurin, oil, pine wood, 100 x 75 x 33 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, This Stone Had Always Wanted To Be a Fish... Some People Are Never Satisfied, 2003.Sculpture, grey granite, acrylic, 30 x 64 x 43 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, The Names of the Team of Scientists who Submitted an Article on the Human Chromosome 14 in Nature Magazine, February 2003., 2003.Mixed Media, 130 x 100 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Tocetea, 2003.Video, dvd, 00:00:26.
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>Jimmie Durham, A Thousand Beautiful Things, 2004.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Stones Rejected by the Builder, 2004.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Arc de Triomphe for Personal Use (Prague version), 2004.Sculpture, wood, paint, metal, 230 x 110 x 110 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, Situations, 2004.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Rudi Laermans, Two Conversations with Jimmie Durham, 2004.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, A Sculpture in Two Dimensions, 2004.Video, 00:00:30.
>Jimmie Durham, The Seven Directions, 2004.Installation.
>Jimmie Durham, Still Life with Stone and Car, 2004.Installation, car, stone, acrylic paint, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Apecar), 2004.Sculpture, stone, car, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, White Marble, Green Stone, Red Stone and Lavender Granite, 2004.Assemblage, cardboard, photograph, stone, 180 x 80 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Decorative Stones for Home, 2004.Assemblage, rug, semi-precious stones, 332 x 63 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Suggested Proposal for a New Architecture n°3, 2004.Sculpture, wood, stone, paper, 88 x 27 x 10 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Suggested Proposal for a New Architecture n°1, 2004.Sculpture, stone, wood, 70 x 8 x 8 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Suggested Proposal for a New Architecture n°2, 2004.Sculpture, stone, wood, 60 x 37 x 15 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Black Shale on European Wood, 2004.Sculpture, 90 x 93 x 51 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, A Staff to Mark The Center of the World, Gwangju Biennale, 2004.Sculpture, wood, ink and paint on paper, plastic, 3 pieces, each ca 250 x 10 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Prehistoric Stone Tool, 2004.Mixed Media, wood, paint, stone, 75 x 85 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Smashing, 2004.Video, 00:92:00.
>Anna Daneri, Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Roberto Pinto, Stefano Boeri, Jimmie Durham, Mario Fortunato, Cesare Pietroiusti, Jimmie Durham, 2004.Book, 20,9 cm x 14,6 cm, 158 p.
>Jimmie Durham, Snack bar variations, 2005.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Détour, 2005.Installation, pvc, stone.
>Jimmie Durham, Charts, 2005.Drawing, pencil, ink, paper, 51 x 72 cm (x 4).
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>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Inadequate Response, 2005.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Some Collide, Some Escape, 2005.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (letter to a young artist), 2005.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, The Second Particle Wave Theory, 2005.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Suggested Further Research, 2005.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Cherokee–U.S. Relations, 2005.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Various Elements of Cowboy Life, 2005.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham, 2005.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Zinnias, 2005.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, The Piece of Wood, 2005.Mixed Media, print on paper, wood, variable dimensions.
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>Jimmie Durham, The Piece of Wood, 2005.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, These Polished Stones Are from Brazil, 2005.Assemblage, polished stones, painted wood panel, text, 100 x 78 x 1 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Radio), 2005.Object, mixed media, 147 x 35 x 23 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Richard William Hill, Simon Ortiz, Jean Fisher, Bonnie Fultz, Jen Budney, John Leslie, The American West, 2005.Book, 30 cm x 24,5 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Something (Perhaps a Fugue or an Elegy), 2005.Installation, 100 x 600 x 400 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Robert Blackson, Candice Hopkins, The Second Particle Wave Theory, 2005.Book, 26 cm x 21 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, Boycott the São Paulo Biennale, 2006.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Many people become cynical, 2006.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, I might call this short lecture…, 2006.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Popocatépetl and its Environs, 2006.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (A.C.A.D.E.M.Y.), 2006.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Where a heavy stone opened red, yellow and blue paint, 2006.Painting, paint, tubes, canvas, 100 x 120 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, A Stone Rejected by the Builder (2), 2006.Sculpture, stone, wood, acrylic paint, 26 x 48 x 20 cm, 75 x 59 x 28 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Head, 2006.Sculpture, wood, paper, hair, turquoise, metal tray, shell, 25 x 45 x 45 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, A Piece of Granite Shaped like a Camel's Head, 2006.Sculpture, red granite, glass, 36 x 23 x 15 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Confessional Hair and Dirt on Canvas Piece, 2006.Sculpture, hair, dirt, canvas, wood, 185 x 90 x 15 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Home Becomes Further Away, 2006.Sculpture, cobblestones, wood, stone, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, The Tower Was Equipped with a Glass Safety Shield, 2006.Sculpture, mixed media, 66 x 30 x 17 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, A Stone Rejected by the Builder (1), 2006.Sculpture, stone, wood, acrylic paint, 34 x 41 x 20 cm (stone), 55 x 48 x 35 cm (table).
>Jimmie Durham, A Mushroom from the Grunewald Forest, 2006.Assemblage, dried mushroom, ink, wood, mounted on cardboard. , 85 x 67 x 10 cm, 53 x 67 x 10 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Snake Eyes!, 2006.Collage, collage, wood, 125 x 81 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, They Almost Fit, 2006.Collage, wood, 110 x 85 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be a Stone Statue of Myself, 2006.Photography, ink, paper, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Self-Portrait with Black Eye and Bruises, 2006.Photography, ink, paper, 79 x 60 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be Maria Thereza Alves as Terminator, 2006.Photography, ink, paper, 80,7 x 60,7 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be my Mother as Played by Isabel Perera, 2006.Photography, ink, paper, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be Maria Thereza Alves, 2006.Photography, ink, paper, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Here's a Peanut Shaped Like a Bird, 2006.Sculpture, wood, paint, formica, peanut, 160 x 49 x 47 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, You Cannot Book a Judge under Cover, 2006.Installation, 120 x 80 x 80 cm.
>Maria Thereza Alves, Jimmie Durham, Grünewald, 2006.Video, 00:13:55.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Inadequate Response, 2007.Book, ink, paper, 20 cm x 15,7 cm, 80 p..
>Jimmie Durham, The Road Not Taken, 2007.Sculpture, wood, leather, horse skull, ca 180 x 70 x 70.
>Jimmie Durham, Red Foot, 2007.Mixed Media, mixed media.
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>Jimmie Durham, The Monster, 2007.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Humanity is Not a Completed Project, 2007.Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, The Hellen Keller Memorial Bunch of Words, 2007.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Norwegian Construction Lumber n° 2, 2007.Sculpture, shale, wood, linseed oil, ca. 5m.
>Jimmie Durham, Xitle and Spirit, 2007.Sculpture, vulcanic stone, car, acrylic paint, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Sea Shell Piece, 2007.Mixed Media, mixed media sculpture with sea shell and sound: fuck you, 119 x 22 x 51 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Red Handle, 2007.Mixed Media, mixed media sculpture with sound: glass, 95 x 105 x 92 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Familial (overcoat), 2007.Mixed Media, mixed media sculpture with overcoat and sound: low frequency, 60 x 90 x 80 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, S'Leave, 2007.Mixed Media, mixed media sculpture and sound: lonesome day, 189 x 80 x 100 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Black Guard, 2007.Mixed Media, mixed media sculpture with sound: duo jimmie durham and maria thereza, 125 x 55 x 80 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Lawrence Livermore Radiation Facility, 2007.Mixed Media, mixed media sculpture with jacket and sound: you always hurt, 183 x 80 x 80 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Dial Tone , 2007.Mixed Media, mixed media sculpture with sound: baby lament, 60 x 80 x 200 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Arc de Triomphe for Personal Use (Grey), 2007.Sculpture, wood, paint, 150 x 100 x 100 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Painted Self-Portrait, 2007.Photography, acrylic, marker, ink, colour photograph, 83 x 60.5 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Labyrinth Elements, 2007.Installation, wood, metal, variable dimensions (each piece 5 to 6 cm).
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (performance at Reykjavik Experiment Marathon), 2008.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Pallas Athena, 2008.Mixed Media, 245 x 145 x 90 cm.
>Maria Thereza Alves, Jimmie Durham, Museum of European Normality, 2008.Installation.
>Jimmie Durham, The Bluebird of Happiness and the Miner's Canary, 2008.Sculpture, hat rack base (american black walnut wood), truck rear-view mirror, deer antler, television antena, paint brushes, acrylic paint, drumsticks, pins, oak sapling, 300 x 80 x 90 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Thinking of You, 2008.Sculpture, steel, aluminium, 300 x 150 x 150 cm, base : 99cm (diameter).
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be Euroman, 2008.Photography, ink, paper, 81 x 61 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be Haim Steinbach as Played by Haim Steinbach, 2008.Photography, ink, paper, 81 x 61 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Sweet Light Crude, 2008.Installation, painted oil barrels, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Encore tranquillité, 2008.Sculpture, airplane, stone, chains, 150 x 860 x 860 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, The pen is mightier, Mexico, 2009.Drawing, graphite, cotton paper, 81 x 61 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Joe David Screen, 2009.Mixed Media, black marker, projection screen, 220 x 90 x 140 cm .
>Jimmie Durham, Various Elements from the Actual World, 2009.Mixed Media, 300 x 250 cm.
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>Jimmie Durham, 1000 Words, 2009.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Detour over Rome, 2009.Installation.
>Jimmie Durham, Obsidiana, 2009.Video, dvd, 00:05:43.
>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham - Over Contact / On Contact (Nieuwjaarsboekje 2009), 2009.Book, ink, paper, 13.1 x 10 cm, 48 p., language : Dutch, English, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789072828002.
>Nathalie Ergino, Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham - Écrits et manifestes, 2009.Book, 20,5 cm x 14 cm, 163 p.
>Jimmie Durham, Tower, 2009.Sculpture, wood, glass, 210 x 90 x 90 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Self-portrait with Traditional Scottish Kwilt, 2010.Mixed Media, 100 x 3,5 x 85 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Second Life, 2010.Sculpture, wooden table, wooden golf club, plastic tape, a book, 73 x 60 x 110 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Rocks Encouraged, 2010.Installation, petrified wood, text, variable dimensions.
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>Jimmie Durham, Amoxohtli/Libro de Carretera/A Road Book, 2011.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Maquette for a Museum of Switzerland, 2011.Installation.
>Andrea Lissoni, Jimmie Durham, Andrea Amichetti, CUJO - Jimmie Durham, 2011.Book, paper, plastic.
>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham - Amoxohtli, Libro de Carretera / A Road Book, 2011.Book, 20,9 cm x 15,8 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, 100 Notes - 100 Thoughts / 100 Notizen - 100 Gedanken (Booklet N° 049 dOCUMENTA 13) : Jimmie Durham - Material, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 21 cm x 14,7 cm, 22 p.
>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham. A Matter of Life and Death and Singing, 2012.Book, ink, paper, 31 cm x 24 cm, 145 p., language : English, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen & JRP/Ringier, Zürich, ISBN : 9783037642894.
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>Jimmie Durham, Report to Molly Spotted Elk and Josephine Baker, 2012.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Jimmie Durham 'Waiting To Be Interrupted' - Selected Writings 1993-2012, 2014.Book, ink, paper, 20.9 x 14.6 cm, 368 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing, Milano & Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen, ISBN : 9788867491209.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Towards Light.Video.
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>Jimmie Durham, Mimesis and Alterity .Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Brazilian Bloodstone.Video.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Nature Morte.Video, pal, 00:00:45.
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>Jimmie Durham, Why Beauty—(why not?).Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Kind of Like a Road Movie).Text.
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>Jimmie Durham, Second Thoughts.Text.
>Jimmie Durham, Miscellaneous Ludlow Characters.Collage, ink, paper, canvas, 32.4 x 160.2 cm.
> Tentoonstelling: 29th Bienal de Sao Paulo - There is always a cup of sea to sail in . 25 September 2010 - 12 December 2010.
> Tentoonstelling: A Certain Lack of Coherence. 30 September 1993 - 14 November 1993.
> Tentoonstelling: Al Het Vaststaande Verdampt. Vijf Reflecties Over Materialistische Spiritualiteit in De Hedendaagse Kunst. 21 March 2009 - 21 June 2009.
> Tentoonstelling: A Matter of Life and Death and Singing. 1985.
> Tentoonstelling: AMBERES – Roberto Bolaño’s Antwerp. 07 June 2019 - 15 September 2019.
> Tentoonstelling: Animism. 22 January 2010 - 02 May 2010.
> Tentoonstelling: Architexture. 29 October 1994 - 24 December 1994.
> Tentoonstelling: Documenta IX. 13 June 1992 - 20 September 1992.
> Tentoonstelling: Elements and Material from my Atelier in Berlin's Grunewald Forest. 29 April 2006 - 01 July 2006.
> Tentoonstelling: ENCLOSED. 21 May 2021 - 03 October 2021.
> Tentoonstelling: EURASIA − A Landscape of Mutability. 08 October 2021 - 23 January 2022.
> Tentoonstelling: EXTRA MUROS: All That is Solid Melts Into Air . 21 March 2009 - 21 June 2009.
> Tentoonstelling: EXTRA MUROS: Jubilee. M HKA: a guest in the KMSKA. 28 June 2007 - 18 November 2007.
> Tentoonstelling: EXTRA MUROS: Visite Bornem - Gedeelde Ruimte. 03 May 2014 - 25 May 2014.
> Tentoonstelling: EXTRA MUROS: Visite Diest. 27 November 2014 - 21 December 2014.
> Tentoonstelling: Heads. 28 September 2006 - 11 November 2006.
> Tentoonstelling: Imogen Stidworthy – Die Lucky Bush. 23 May 2008 - 17 August 2008.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham. 25 June 1995 - 05 May 1995.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham – A Matter of Life and Death and Singing. 25 May 2012 - 18 November 2012.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - Bestiary. 06 September 2006 - 07 October 2006.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - Caliban. 07 November 1992 - 05 December 1992.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - Der Verführer und der Steinerne Gast [The Libertine and the Stone Guest]. 03 March 1996 - 30 April 1996.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - Glass. 12 May 2006 - 01 July 2006.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - Pierres rejetées.... 30 January 2009 - 12 April 2009.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - Rocks Encouraged. 05 June 2010 - 01 August 2010.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - Stoneheart. 30 October 2000 - 17 November 2000.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - The Bishop's Moose and the Pinkerton Men. 01 November 1989 - 02 December 1989.
> Tentoonstelling: Jimmie Durham - Universal Miniature Golf (The Promised Land). 17 April 2010 - 04 September 2010.
> Tentoonstelling: La Biennale di Venezia - 50th International Art Exhibition. 15 June 2003 - 02 November 2003.
> Tentoonstelling: Labyrinth. 25 May 2007 - 28 July 2007.
> Tentoonstelling: La leçon d'anatomie (A Progress Report). 05 April 1996 - 25 May 1996.
> Tentoonstelling: La porte de l'Europe (les bourgeois de Calais). 09 March 1996 - 28 April 1996.
> Tentoonstelling: Le Pont. 25 May 2013 - 20 October 2013.
> Tentoonstelling: Le ragioni della leggerezza [Reasons for Lightness]. 18 November 2004 - 22 January 2005.
> Tentoonstelling: Metaphrase/Metathesis. 25 September 2007.
> Tentoonstelling: MONOCULTURE | A Recent History. 25 September 2020 - 25 April 2021.
> Tentoonstelling: Museum in Motion. 16 September 2022 - 08 January 2023.
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> Tentoonstelling: Museum in Motion - Jimmie Durham. 16 September 2022 - 08 January 2023.
> Tentoonstelling: On Taking a Normal Situation and Retranslating it into Overlapping and Multiple Readings of Conditions Past and Present. 19 September 1993 - 28 November 1993.
> Tentoonstelling: Over the Edges. 01 April 2000 - 30 June 2000.
> Tentoonstelling: Pocahontas and the Little Carpenter in London. 10 October 1988 - 19 October 1988.
> Tentoonstelling: Rendez(-)vous. 28 April 1993 - 27 June 1993.
> Tentoonstelling: Resurrection. 18 November 1995.
> Tentoonstelling: The Collection. 28 April 2017 - 31 December 2021.
> Tentoonstelling: The collection I – Fall 2002. 31 August 2002 - 10 November 2002.
> Tentoonstelling: The collection II – Winter 2002. 23 November 2002 - 09 February 2003.
> Tentoonstelling: The collection XXXIII – The Collection as a Character. 07 June 2013 - 22 September 2013.
> Tentoonstelling: The collection XXX – The Museum of Forgotten History, with intervention by Maarten Vanden Eynde. 29 June 2012 - 16 September 2012.
> Tentoonstelling: The Encyclopedic Palace. 01 June 2013 - 24 November 2013.
> Tentoonstelling: Transmission Interrupted. 18 April 2009 - 21 June 2009.
> Tentoonstelling: Unrest of Form. Imagining the Political Subject. 11 May 2013 - 16 July 2013.
> Tentoonstelling: Urgent Conversations: Antwerp – Athens, Part III. 16 September 2017 - 12 November 2017.
> Tentoonstelling: Urgent Conversations Athens - Antwerp. 31 October 2016 - 05 February 2017.
> Tentoonstelling: Visite Roeselare – The Green Line. 05 May 2016 - 19 June 2016.
> Tentoonstelling: Whitney Biennial. 1993.
> Ensemble: Against Architecture, Against Belief.
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> Ensemble: Against Belief, Against Architecture.
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> Ensemble: An Architecture for Art - Jimmie Durham.
> Ensemble: Animal Skulls and Other Figures.
> Ensemble: Arc de Triomphe.
> Ensemble: Artist Books.
> Ensemble: Books on and by Jimmie Durham.
> Ensemble: Caliban Codex.
> Ensemble: Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap.
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> Ensemble: CULTURE WARS.
> Ensemble: Drawings, Display and other 2D Work.
> Ensemble: humor & tragedie [humour & tragedy].
> Ensemble: Installations and Public Space.
> Ensemble: Interviews.
> Ensemble: Jimmie Durham 1964 - 1972.
> Ensemble: Jimmie Durham 1980 - 1993.
> Ensemble: Jimmie Durham 1994 - 2012.
> Ensemble: Jimmie Durham @M HKA.
> Ensemble: Jimmie Durham's Eurasian Projects.
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> Ensemble: kunstenaarsboeken uit de jaren '80 [artists' books from the 80s].
> Ensemble: maatschappij.
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> Ensemble: NUCLEUS.
> Ensemble: Objects.
> Ensemble: Performance, Video and Self-Portraits.
> Ensemble: Poetry.
> Ensemble: PVC tubing.
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> Ensemble: Reflections on Cultural Complexity.
> Ensemble: SBKM - Stichting Beeldende Kunst Middelburg.
> Ensemble: Stone as stone.
> Ensemble: Stoning.
> Ensemble: The Center of The World.
> Ensemble: The Collection.
> Ensemble: Writing.