Mona Vǎtǎmanu and Florin Tudor (born 1968, Romania - 1974, Switzerland) work together since 2000. Their artistic practice spans diverse media including film, photography, painting, performance, and site-specific projects. Vatamanu and Tudor's broad-reaching practice has positioned them among the most compelling and literate interpreters of our contemporary post-communist condition, which extends far beyond their native Romania. Widely shown in Europe, Vatamanu and Tudor's artistic practice involves bringing history into the present tense, whether in the form of performative re-enactment or symbolic recuperation. A deep interest in architecture as a repository of both personal and collective memory and as a mark of communist power underlies many of their projects.
>Mona Vǎtǎmanu & Florin Tudor, Appointment with History, 2007.Installation, installation, paintings, sound, dimensions variable.
> Exhibition: Meeting Points 7 – Ten Thousand Wiles and a Hundred Thousand Tricks. 25 October 2013 - 16 February 2014.