>Pieter Engels, Herstelde Stoel [Reconstructed Chair], 1964.Sculpture, 84 x 45 x 44 cm.
>Pieter Engels, Constrained position to look at the right side of a picture (anti date 3-12-1951), 1971.Installation, wood, canvas, text, formica, , 89 x 89 x 10 cm, 87,5 x 87,5 x 9 cm, 20 x 30 x 5 cm, 5 x 10 x 5 cm.
>Pieter Engels, Pieter Engels - selfportrait of this century, 1973.Book, ink, paper, 29.5 x 29.8 cm, 39p., language : Dutch, publisher : ICC/Internationaal Cultureel Centrum, Antwerpen.
>Pieter Engels, Jan Fabre, Burried (Hommage to Pieter Engels), 1979.Performance, 00:30:00.
>Pieter Engels, Art is the arrangement, 1979.Sculpture.
> Exposition: EXTRA MUROS: Visite Bornem - Gedeelde Ruimte. 03 May 2014 - 25 May 2014.
> Exposition: Jan Fabre – Stigmata, Actions & Performances 1976-2013. 24 April 2015 - 26 July 2015.
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> Exposition: Kunstwerk van de maand 2015. 01 January 2015 - 31 December 2015.
> Exposition: The collection XXVIII – If you shoot a bullet in a vacuum, will it keep travelling forever? (Emily Wardill). 17 June 2011 - 18 September 2011.
> Exposition: Visite Herentals - Reflections. 13 October 2012 - 04 November 2012.
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> Ensemble: Around Zero.
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> Ensemble: ICC_Publications.
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> Ensemble: NUCLEUS.
> Ensemble: Stichting Gordon Matta-Clark.