©image: M HKA/CC
° 1963
Lives in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Rosana Palazyan has always shown an interest for narrative seen through small details. In 1989, she started using embroidery in her work.
In 2000, she started researching and developing projects in co-authorship with young boys (as her contemporary Paula Trope) in a penal institution for delinquent minors in Brazil.
>Rosana Palazyan, …agora se eu ficar sabendo que meu pai encostou minha mãe, eu mato ele…, 2000.Object, embroidery, dolls (cotton, wire, polyamide stocking), pillow, 28 x 41 x 36 cm .
>Rosana Palazyan, Series: “... uma história que você nunca mais esqueceu?”.Drawing.
> Exhibition: A RUA/DE STRAAT – Europalia.Brasil. 07 October 2011 - 22 January 2012.