©image: Philippe De Gobert
>Jimmie Durham, On Loan From the Museum of the American Indian, 1985.Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.
>Jimmie Durham, Bedia's Stirring Wheel, 1985.Sculpture, aluminium, leather, fur, paint, feathers, skull, string, cloth, steering wheel, 115 x 46 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Pocahontas' Underwear, 1985.Object, feathers, beads, fabric, fasteners, 31 x 25 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Bedia's Muffler, 1985.Sculpture, metal, leather, beads, shells, acrylic paint, 86,4 x 115,2 x 12 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, New York Gitli, 1985.Sculpture, skull, braid, acrylic paint, shell, turquoise, metal, 120 x 29 x 70 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Tlunh Datsi, 1985.Sculpture, skull, feathers, turquoise, acrylic paint, shells, wood, 103 x 91 x 81 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, A Dead Deer, 1986.Sculpture, skull, bone, wood, paint, string, plastic, 120 x 72 x 14.4 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Self-Portrait, 1987.Sculpture, canvas, wood, paint, feather, shell, turquoise, metal, 173 x 87 x 29 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Two Legs of Wood, 1988.Other, 70 x 22 x 22 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Four Scenes for the British Army, 1988.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, The Two Johns, 1988.Sculpture, wood, paint, 54 x 61 x 6 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, La Malinche, 1988-1991.Sculpture, wood, cotton, snakeskin, watercolour, polyester, metal, 168 x 56 x 84 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Raccoon (Skunk), 1989.Sculpture, mixed media, 170 x 62 x 52.
>Jimmie Durham, Heisenberg Principle, 1989.Sculpture, mixed media.
>Jimmie Durham, Articles 2 and 3 from the 1986 Pinkerton's Agency Manual, 1989.Installation, ceramic, wood, paper, polyester, 132 x 24 x 24 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 1989.Sculpture, moose skull, wood, antler, paint, metal, 244 x 144 x 137 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Footnote, 1989.Sculpture, bronze, chain, card, 10 x 31 x 7 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Crazy for Life, 1990.Video.
>Jimmie Durham, Rabbit, 1990.Sculpture, skull, shells, wood, paint, text, 51 x 66 x 120 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Savage, 1991.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Squirrel), 1991.Sculpture, cast head, beads, paint, wood, 127 x 63 x 28 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Cortez, 1991.Sculpture, metal, wood, pvc, paper, 225 x 145 x 52 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Language is a tool for communication like a city or a brain, 1991-1992.Installation, ink, paper, 360 x 510 mm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1991.Sculpture, wood, canvas, paint, shells, 150 x 70 x 70 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Armadillo), 1991.Sculpture, cast head, beads, paint, wood, photograph, 125 x 60 x 23 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Virginia/Veracruz (Madrid), 1992.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Virginia/Veracruz (London), 1992.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Virginia/Veracruz, 1992.Performance.
>Jimmie Durham, Approach in Love and Fear, 1992.Installation.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Amenemope, an Egyptian soldier, 1370 BC), 1992.Sculpture, wood, iron, bone, paper, 45 x 30 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1992.Mixed Media, brass, mud, glue, wood, 49.2 x 38.4 x 6 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1992.Mixed Media, papier mâché, marble dust, wood, 38 x 25 x 11 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Caliban's Mask), 1992.Sculpture, glass eyes, button, mud, pvc pipe, glue, 24 x 16 x 5 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, I Forgot What I Was Going to Say, 1992.Sculpture, wood, metal, bone, paper, wire, 78 x 55 x 5 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Die kleine Fulda, 1992.Sculpture, pvc pipe, 265 x 20 x 120 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Himmelfahrt [Ascension], 1992.Sculpture, wood, iron, acrylic, 29 x 55 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Treff [Encounter], 1992.Sculpture, wood, iron, acrylic paint, 215 x 205 x 107 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Jesus. Es geht um die Wurst [Jesus. It's about the Sausage], 1992.Sculpture, wood, iron, steel, ink, paper, acrylic, mud, glue, 152 x 40 x 113 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled (Zipper), 1993.Sculpture, mixed media, 142 x 11 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1993.Sculpture, painted wood box, bone, glass, 4 x 6 x 10 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, Untitled, 1993.Sculpture, plastic tube, wood, tape, 15 x 28 x 4 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, ελθων δ΄ εξ ορεος μεϒας αιετος αϒκυλοχειλης πασι κατ΄ αυχενας ηξε και εκτανεν, 1993.Sculpture, axe handle, canvas, metal, 19 x 12 3/4 x 1 1/2 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, mishap in the jungle. The rest of them were mostly Indians: tough young fellows with wiry strength and impassive faces. The whitest, 1993.Sculpture, plywood, paper, paint, 6 1/4 x 31 x 1 1/8 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, Sonderbar kam es mir vor, daß sie diese Übung an einer alten Stadtmauer ohne die mindeste Bequemlichkeit für die Zuschauer vornehmen; warum sie es nicht im Amphitheater tun, wo so schöner Raum wäre!, 1993-2012.Sculpture, viewmaster, flood light bulb, 39 x 15 x 15 inch.
>Jimmie Durham, Types of Murder Weapons, by Maigret, 1993.Mixed Media, wood, metal, pvc, 61 x 61 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Types of Pipes, by Magritte, 1993.Mixed Media, wood, metal, pvc, 61 x 61 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Gilgamesh, 1993.Sculpture, wood, iron, pvc, axe, metal, 355 x 63 cm, 300 x 140 cm.
>Jimmie Durham, Miscellaneous Ludlow Characters.Collage, ink, paper, canvas, 32.4 x 160.2 cm.