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Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Thinking of a white metal construction for a lake, 1968-1970. Sketch, fineliner, felt-tip pen and letraset on paper , 27 x 21 cm.
Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Untitled . Sketch, fineliner, felt-tip pen and pencil on paper, ca. 29,7 x 21 cm.
Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Untitled. Sketch, fineliner, felt-tip pen and pencil on paper, 21 x 25 cm .
Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Untitled (uitgave Ziggurat). Sketch, inkjet on paper, 20,5 x 20,5 cm.
Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Untitled. Sketch, fineliner on paper , 19 x 29 cm.
Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Untitled. Sketch, fineliner and felt-tip pen on paper, 25 x 21 cm.
Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Untitled. Sketch, felt-tip pen and pencil on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.
Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Untitled. Sketch, gouache and pencil on paper.
Mark Verstockt, Sketch - Untitled. Sketch, ballpoint, felt-tip pen and pencil on paper.