Trying out the hanging of the flying platform ‘Bernouili’ for the show ‘Xanadu!' at S.M.A.K., Ghent, 2010. ‘Bernouilli’ was built by Panamarenko and Hans Theys in 1995. With Frederika Huys, Dirk Pauwels, Zoro Feigl, Panamarenko and Tamara Van San.
>Luc Tuymans.
>Walter Swennen.
>Bernd Lohaus.
>Max Pinckers.
>Berlinde De Bruyckere.
>Raoul De Keyser.
>Luc Deleu & T.O.P. office.
>Guy Rombouts.
>Ronald Ophuis.
>Fran Van Coppenolle.
>Simon Masschelein.
>Jorik Dzobava.
>Robert Soroko.
>Idris Sevenans.
>Joost Pauwaert.
>Clément Jacques-Vossen.
>Hadrien Loumaye.
Currently no items have been added to this ensemble.