Nested Ensembles: Inexistent
Part of: Les Laboratoires Patacyclistes, PROJECTS / TOPICS Jef Lambrecht, Institutions Identity JL.
Associated events: Het Proces / Jef Lambrecht werkt naar een slot toe.
Type: Image / jpg / 135kb / View or download: original, reduced.
Description: <p>View of a part of the exhibition with the staf of Saint Nicholas, later this was augmented with masses of ID-cards, passes and the likes, to create a sort of cult object festooned with 'acess all areas'</p>
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Type: Image / jpg / 29kb / View or download: original, reduced.
Description: <p>Seal (stamp) of / Organisation created by Jef Lambrecht, modelled on the Saint Nicholas Society of New York (that's why 'happy NY, forever (eight)' as well as New year, time of creation...</p>
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