M HKA gaat digitaal

Met M HKA Ensembles zetten we onze eerste échte stappen in het digitale landschap. Ons doel is met behulp van nieuwe media de kunstwerken nog beter te kaderen dan we tot nu toe hebben kunnen doen.

We geven momenteel prioriteit aan smartphones en tablets, m.a.w. de in-museum-ervaring. Maar we zijn evenzeer hard aan het werk aan een veelzijdige desktop-versie. Tot het zover is vind je hier deze tussenversie.

M HKA goes digital

Embracing the possibilities of new media, M HKA is making a particular effort to share its knowledge and give art the framework it deserves.

We are currently focusing on the experience in the museum with this application for smartphones and tablets. In the future this will also lead to a versatile desktop version, which is now still in its construction phase.

Exhibition: EXTRA MUROS: Geel – Middle Gate II – The Story of Dymphna

Stad Geel, Geel

15 September 2018 - 04 November 2018

image: © Peter De Jongh

Exhibition project Middle Gate II – The Story of Dymphna is a cooperation between M HKA, the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp, and cultural centre de Werft in Geel. Middle Gate II is the sequel to the exhibition Middle Gate made by Jan Hoet in Geel in 2013. The concept of the exhibition is intricately interwoven with the legend of Saint Dymphna, patroness of the possessed and mentally ill and patron saint against epilepsy and insanity. The legend of Dymphna is also closely linked to the identity of Geel, town of mercy.

Middle Gate II  is structured around the four symbols of Saint Dymphna – crown, book, devil and sword – each representing a theme linked to Dymphna’s legend. The crown is connected to migration, the devil represents insanity, the book stands for spirituality and the sword is linked to (sexual) violence. These four symbols/themes are shown on four different locations, resulting in a group exhibition along a course across Geel: the Municipal Academy for visual arts (crown/migration), the Hospital Museum (devil/insanity), the Saint Dymphna Church (book/spirituality) and ‘De Halle’ (sword/(sexual) violence). All exhibited works enter into a dialogue with their specific location and the ‘permanent’ works (of art) and objects.  Middle Gate II engages, often with works from the M HKA collection that have never been shown before, with four urgent social themes that were already addressed in the legend of Saint Dymphna. 

Four female artists actively cooperated in setting up the exhibition. They each made a campaign image for the theme they helped to work out: Tinka Pittoors (crown/migration), Liliane Vertessen (devil/insanity), Nel Aerts (book/spirituality) and Els Dietvorst (sword/(sexual) violence).


Practical information

Middle Gate II – The Story of Dymphna
Saturday – Sunday          11:00-18:00 
Groups after prior appointment

Municipal Academy for Visual Arts, Kollegestraat 11
Hospital Museum, Gasthuisstraat 1
Saint Dymphna Church, Sint-Dimpnaplein
De Halle, Markt 1



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> Mary Ellen Solt, Lobelia, Geranium, Wild Crab, Zinnia, Crab, Beginning or end, Lilac, Forsythia, zig zag, 1966. Drawing, ink, pencil on paper.

> Rebecca Horn, Film 1: Performances I, 1970-1972, 1970-1972. Film, dvd, 00:19:00.

> Wout Vercammen, Orgasme-strijder, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.

> Jan Cox, Oh! Those Voices, Boston, 1972. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 127 x 159 cm.

> Luc Deleu, Mobile Medium University Revisited (floating U.I.A.), 1972-1982. Mixed Media, wood, plastic, paint, plexi, 110 x 60 x 25 cm.

> Lili Dujourie, Hommage à ... III, 1972. Video, video, 00:37:02.

> André Cadere, Barre de bois rond (rouge, jaune, bleu), 1974. Sculpture, wood.

> Hugo Roelandt, Geprojecteerde gevoelens tegenover iets of iemand [Projected Feelings Toward Something or Somebody], 1974. Photography, dia-projection , 80 x.

> Rebecca Horn, Film 1: Berlin - Exercises in nine parts, 1974/75, 1974-1975. Film, dvd, 00:40:03 min .

> Guillaume Bijl, Behandelingen, 1975-1979. Collage, ink, paper, 6 x (80 x 60 cm).

> Jan Cox, Herinneringen aan mijn kinderjaren, 1980. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 160 cm.

> Bia Davou, Sail - Odyssey, 1982. Sculpture, fabric, thread, 440 x 470 x 157 cm.

> Liliane Vertessen, MM Lola, 1983. Mixed Media, photo, neon, 200 x 280 cm.

> Cindy Sherman, Untitled No 120 A, 1983. Photography, photo, paper, 55 x 89 cm.

> Bruce Nauman, Violent Incident-Man/Women Segment, 1986. Installation, vhs, 00:00:28.

> Sigefride Bruna Hautman, Since I know, you cannot sit on a cloud, 1987. Sculpture, wood, plaster, leather, metal, 110 x 220 x 155 cm.

> Guy Mees, Verloren ruimte, 1988. Collage, 133 x 288 cm.

> Barbara Kruger, We Are Not What We Seem, 1988. Collage, screen print, vinyl, chassis, 276 x 243 cm.

> Koka Ramishvili, War from My Window, 1991-1992. Installation, b/w photo, 12 x (30 x 40 cm).

> Louise Bourgeois, David & Goliath, 1992. Drawing.

> Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Traîté du Caractère, 1993. Mixed Media, fabric, paint.

> Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Concept of Anxiety, 1993. Mixed Media.

> Danny Devos, Jockel - Bett des Jägers, 1993-1994. Installation, staanlamp en houten bed met getekende landkaart van het ruhrgebied met aanduiding en foto’s van relevante plaatsen in het verhaal van joachim kroll, tekening en kleurfoto’s op gegalvaniseerde plaat, bed: 108x208x48cm; plaat: 100x200cm.

> Danny Devos, Jockel - Bibliografie, 1993. Installation, 400 ingelijste (zwart hout) krantenartikels gekleefd op karton, 31.8 x 23 cm per lijst.

> Jan Van Oost, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1993. Installation, plaster, velvet, wig, 80 x 80 x 80 cm.

> Louise Bourgeois, Louise, Ilse et Bart, 1994. Drawing.

> Vadim Fishkin, count up-count down, 1994. Sculpture, wood, variable according to the height of the ceiling.

> Douglas Gordon, Self-Portrait (Kissing with Scopolamine), 1994. Photography, dia projection, variable.

> Liza May Post, Duwen, 1994. Photography, colour photograph, 125 x 294 cm.

> Jacqueline Mesmaeker, CAMERA NON ASSISTÉE, 1996-2010. Video, video, monitor.

> Róza El-Hassan, Lichtmahl [Light Meal], 1996. Installation, lamps, fruit, Variable.

> Anne Daems, Zonder titel (Vrouw aan bushalte), 1996. Photography, kleurfoto op aluminium, 38 x 57 cm.

> Marlene Dumas, Sailor's Dream, 1996. Drawing, watercolour, paper, 125 x 70 cm.

> Marlene Dumas, Blind Joy, 1996. Drawing, aquarel on paper, 125 x 70 cm.

> Johan Tahon, Amor Spheroid, 1997. Sculpture, plaster, clay, 57 x 34 x 34 cm.

> Johan Tahon, Strobe, 1997. Sculpture, plaster, clay, 155 x 120 x 125 cm.

> Minnette Vári, Alien, 1998. Video, video, monitor.

> Artūras Raila , Under the Flag , 1999-2015. Video, 2 channel digital video, color, sound, 00:20:00.

> Joëlle Tuerlinckx, Untitled, 1999. Print, ink, paper, 50 x 35 cm.

> Berlinde De Bruyckere, Spreken [To Speak], 1999. Installation, metal, wood, blankets, polyester, polyurethane, 200 x 140 x 80 cm.

> Loreta Visic, Washuis [Laundry House], 2000. Installation, iron, clothing, washing line, 420 x 350 x 500 cm.

> Fransje Killaars, Zonder titel [Untitled], 2000. Other.

> Yang Zhenzhong, On the Pillow, 2000. Photography, b/w photo, aluminium, 115 x 95 cm, 115 x 177 cm, 115 x 185 cm, 115 x 157 cm, 115 x 182 cm, 115 x 185 cm, 115 x 183 cm, 115 x 110.5 cm.

> Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin, Tremor, Rumour, Hoover , 2001. Installation, sequins mounted on plastic plates , 270 x 445 cm .

> Sergey Bratkov / Сергій Братков, Glue sniffers, 2001. Photography, photo on aluminium, 7 x (90 x 90 cm).

> Olga Tobreluts, Modernisation (Part II), 2002-2003. Photography, c-print, 120 x 150 cm.

> Barbara Visser, Le monde appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt, 2002. Photography, ink, paper, 5 x (120 x 167 cm).

> Wafae Ahalouch el Keriasti, Some like it Not!, 2003. Painting, acrylic, chalk, canvas, 200 x 250 x 4.5 cm.

> Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo, Pase. Acceso ilimitado [Come In, Unlimited Access], 2003. Installation, ink, paper, 18 x (40 x 30 cm), 2 x (51 x 40 cm).

> Rita McBride, Mini Manager, 2004. Sculpture, white painted titanium.

> Michèle Matyn , Home Town Story, 2005. Photography, colour photography, plexiglass, 150 x 112,5 cm.

> Ria Pacquée, Inch'Allah, 2005. Video, videotape digital betacam, dvd, 00:18:40.

> Ina Wudtke, A Portrait of the Artist as a Worker, 2006. Video.

> Johanna Kandl, Ohne titel (Who's got the big picture), 2006. Film, tempera, canvas, 258 x 354 cm.

> Hiwa K, Moon Calendar Iraq, 2007. Video, 12 min.

> N S Harsha, Orgasm, 2007. Installation, wood, scythe, suitcase.

> Els Dietvorst, Skull 2, 2008. Installation, metal, wood, loam, pigeons.

> Donna Kukama, NOT YET (and nobody knows why not), 2008. Video, video, 00:04:56.

> Inge Godelaine, Villa Wintermans, 2009. Video, video, fotomontage, 00:50:00.

> Ivan Kožarić, Pronađena skulptura [Found sculpture], 2009. Installation, wood, variable dimensions.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, Exodus, 2009. Video, video, flatscreen, 00:11:00.

> François Curlet, Chanter l'enfer [To Sing Hell], 2010. Installation, wood, drapery, perspex, metal, aluminium, 120 x 30 x 40 cm, 40 x 33 x 7 cm, 5 x 5 x 5 cm.

> Ivan Kožarić, Zonder titel, 2011. Painting.

> Frank Theys, Night Fever, 2011. Video.

> Nadia Naveau, Nicholas Heracles, 2012. Sculpture, ceramics, porcelain, canvas, mixed media, 38.5 × 20 × 19 cm.

> ORLAN, De la mesure à la démesure, 2012. Object.

> Dmitry Gutov, Feet II, 2013. Painting, oil on canvas, 30 x 25 cm.

> Taus Makhacheva, Landscape, 2013. Installation, series of wooden objects, carved by kazbek alikhov.

> Edith Dekyndt, Untitled, 2014. Textile, wool, copper and palladium, 300 x 45 cm.

> Tinka Pittoors, Lifestyle Storage, 2014-2017. Mixed Media, 260 x 500 x 450 cm.

> Vika Begalska, Aphrodite’s Girdle, 2014. Video, video, documentary, color, sound, english subtitle, 00:27:30.

> Maryam Najd , I was raised to be covered III, 2014. Leaflet, oil on canvas, 150 x 110cm.

> Jan De Lauré, Untitled, 2014. Painting, oil on paper, 63.3 x 82.3 cm.

> Vanessa Van Obberghen, Tracing Cheikh Anta Diop , 2014. Photography, digital print on aluminium foil mounted on dibond, 150 x 100 cm.

> Jan De Lauré, Untitled, 2015. Painting, oil on paper, 156.1 x 106 cm.

> Aslan Ġoisum, Volga, 2015. Video, full hd colour video, 00:04:11.

> Babi Badalov, I am Euromental, 2015. Installation, 27 sheets, ink on cotton, variable dimensions.

> Nazanin Fakoor, Light Drawing, 2016. Installation.

> Philippe Van Snick, Eilanden, 2016. Installation.

> Nikita Kadan / Нікіта Кадан, The Chronicle / Хроніка, 2016. Drawing, ink on paper, 18 x (15 x 20 cm)/(20 x 15 cm) .

> Maryam Najd , Mediterranean Blanket II, 2016. Film, oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm.

> Nel Aerts, The Best Helmsmen Stand on Shore, 2017. Painting.

> Sofie Muller, AL/IL/17, 2017. Installation, plaster, metal, 65 x 100 x 150 cm.

> Suchan Kinoshita, Honingklok, 2017. Sculpture, glass, honey.

> Where Dogs Run, Evaporation of the Constitution, 2017. Installation, mixed media (irons, water, electronic components, plastic, metal, glass, acrylic glass, silicone sealants, wood, microcontrollers, temperature sensors, computer, power supplies, control drivers, software, projection).

> Guy Rombouts, DIMPNANFMYD, 2018. Installation, video.

> Guy Rombouts, Uplifting Things, 2018. Installation, paper.

> Els Dietvorst, Stigmata, 2018. Drawing, red-black ink on simili japon, 16 x 11.9 cm.

> Nel Aerts, Dobberende Dimpna, 2018. Painting.

> Tinka Pittoors, Migrance, 2018. Installation.

> Liliane Vertessen, WAANZIN, 2018. Photography.

> Louise Bourgeois, Zonder titel. Drawing.

> Alfons Hoppenbrouwers, Zonder titel. Painting.

> Evgeny Granilshchikov, Untitled. Collage, drawing, paper, various.