Fabra i Coats - Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona
18 July 2014 - 05 September 2014
Wojciech Bruszewski, Fotograf, 2007. Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14,8 cm, 419 p., language : Polish, publisher : Korporacja Ha!art, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, ISBN : 978-83-86905-78-2.
Dale Edwin Wittig, The Crumpled Bills - Book One : The Uneven Stacks, 2008. Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 14.2 cm, 148 p, language: English, publisher: San Francisco, California: Preprosperous Press.
Joanne Tatham, Tom O'Sullivan, The Slapstick Mystics With Sticks, 2002. Book, ink, paper, 18 x 12.5 cm, 80 p, language: English, publisher: All Horizons Club, ISBN: N/A.
Billy Chyldish , The Stonemason, 2011. Book, ink, paper, 19.7 x 12.7 cm, 327 p., language : English, publisher : L-13 Press.(Aquarium), London, ISBN : 978-0-9565945-3-2.
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