Project Sun 24/7

Sarah Goossens & Viktor Crabeels



Young artists Sarah Goossens and Viktor Crabeels conquered a second place in the finale of the Kunstbende contest. The work arose from an honest envireonmentally conscious urge. The role nature used to play in the daily lives of every man, has heavily changed over time. Surrounded by skyscrapers and cars, man alienates from his origins. Goossens and Crabeels create an alternative to the sun. The abundant light that distributes these fluorescent tubes distribute, feel like looking directly at the sun. The pleasant warm glow Project Sun 24/7 spreads, feels like sunlight on the skin.

This is what Goossens and Crabeels say about their work:

"The work entitled ‘Project Sun 24/7’ is a reflection on today’s society in which culture dominates nature. Our lighting is the replacement of the sun. We used to go to sleep at sunset, now we turn on the light to stay up longer. With the use of poor materials – in a minimalist way - this work draws a dystopian image of the degradation of the environment under human influence. The installation is not completed in detail, since it is a quick fix tor the mon soon no longer able to live without this sun as a replacement for the current one."

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