Peter Downsbrough - Prospectus
Book, 21 x 14,7 cm, language : English, publisher : Imschoot, Uitgevers, Gent, ISBN : 90-72191-05-6.
Materials: Ink, paper
Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp (Inv. no. B 2009/792).
'Peter Downsbrough's conceptual book art works deal sparingly with image, text and form, inventing a new code for thinking about the page. In this work, one is led to consider the dissolution of various word formulations ('place', 'displace', 'replace', etc.) while various abstract forms are only sparsely interrupted by concrete manifestations of architecture and dwelling'.
Catalogue description Imschoot :"This book is a must for apartment hunters. About the syntax of architectural, linguistic, and pictoral notation."