Mixed Media, 490 x 80 cm.
Collection: Courtesy Studio Arocha-Schraenen .
This interesting work consists of dots in three colours that are inkjet-prined onto the skin of correspond to details of blood, foam, and the colour of a shirt in a police photograph of a scene of the American comedian Chris Farley's death from an overdose. It's a 6-metre-long work and applies to the idea of dispersion. There is the microscopic aspect and the idea of something that is both reflective and not, because it is reflexive within itself.
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>Carla Arocha & Stéphane Schraenen, Untitled leather (Chris), 2006
> Carla Arocha & Stéphane Schraenen .
> Exhibition: THE GAP – Abstract Art from Belgium. A Selection. Curator: Luc Tuymans. M HKA , Antwerp, 30 January 2016 - 29 May 2016.