Courbet's Funeral
Video, 00:11:33.
Materials: video filmed with mobile phone
Collection: Courtesy of the artist.
Courbet’s Funeral is a film collage made of documentary videos by Granilshchikov and staged footage, as well as reenactments of daily routine events. It can be considered as a video poem recorded on a mobile phone camera, but it also takes us back to real-life events that took place in Moscow in the beginning of 2014. In the context of the film, simple and trivial monologues of its protagonists begin to sound like political commentaries and at the same time touch upon the transformation and problems of the language of filmmaking. The film talks about the present in present tense, therefore it is impossible to avoid conversations about the political undercurrent of the film, the distance of the author from the subject matter. In that sense Courbet’s Funeral is a video diary that claims to have the importance of a document.