The Antwerp Gallery Jef Verheyen
Schilderij, 65 x 65 cm. Materials: Matt lacquer on canvas
Collection: Private.
06 July 1975 - 15 August 1975.1975 Abbaye Saint-Michel de Frigolet, Tarascon, France
In the early 1970s, Verheyen paints his Lichtpijlen (‘Light Arrows’), and the laser paintings Eonen (‘Aeons’) and Arkturus. The artist has le
Il est bon de vivre en ces temps-ci. Un tournant s'annonce qui sera essentiel dans l'Histoire. Il semble que tout incline vers sa juste vale
Jef Verheyen, List of works made in 1975, 1975. Text, ink on paper, A4.