Circa Tabac

Carla Arocha & Stéphane Schraenen


Installation, 1400 x 150 cm (150 x 50 x 34.8 cm).
Materials: mirrors, steel construction

Collection: Carla Arocha & Stéphane Schraenen.

The constructions of Carla Arocha & Stéphane Schraenen constitute an artistic research within and into the rich tradition of abstract art. Their work exists at a moment of confluence of material and idealistic reality, and of static and mobile environment. From there, a synthesis arises in which both the architecture of the space and the movement of the viewer are involved. This also applies to the installation Circa Tabac from 2007, a triangular floor construction with mirrors, which repeats itself in an endless reflection of its spatial (museum) environment. Everything within the field of view of the installation is shredded, fragmented and reflected. In Sanguine/Bloedrood the installation is set up in the middle of the round room of the M HKA, so that the surrounding portraits of Jordaens and Zurbaràn and the work of Pinsel and Ghekiere endlessly mirror themselves in an ever changing, fragmented constellation.

Text: Hans Willemse
Translations: Michael Meert

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