©Angelos bvba, photo: Lieven Herreman
Paris, C.A.I.R.N. Performance Festival
Jan Fabre never carried out this performance. The artist intended to create a new language by means of punning. At the same time he would climb out of a self-made tower with a golden ladder.
'The C.A.I.R.N. performance festival is badly
And what a low standard of performances.
The ones I have seen were dustbins full
of ignorance, without risk or vision.
I have a vague suspicion (to put it mildly) that most
of these performance artists are simply bad visual
artists and therefore misuse the performance
medium to hide their non-talent.
I have decided not to do my new performance here.
I want to leave quietly from this pretentious city
where they refuse to speak a word of English.
And where they think they are still the centre of the
world. Frustrated by not having a king and queen,
they have elected several intellectual popes.
And the only art they practise is that of the insult.
The foreigner. The visitor. I have had the
opportunity to physically experience their
moral superiority.'
(Jan Fabre, 12 April 1981)
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> Jan Fabre.
> Exhibition: Jan Fabre – Stigmata, Actions & Performances 1976-2013. M HKA, Antwerpen, 24 April 2015 - 26 July 2015.
> Ensemble: Money en de kunstwereld [Money and the art world].
>Jan Fabre, Tower of Silent Words (with Jacob's Golden Ladder) (I), 1981.Mixed Media, wood, stone and gold leaf, 21 x 30 x 30 cm.
>Jan Fabre, Tower of Silent Words (with Jacob's Golden Ladder) (II), 1981.Mixed Media, wood, stone and gold leaf, 21 x 30 x 30 cm.