Book, 18 x 11 cm, 57 p, language: French, publisher: Motto Books, ISBN : 978-2-940524-00-6.
©image: M HKA
Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp (Inv. no. B 2025/992).
Literary synopsis
Merging the lives of brain-damaged Phineas Gage and eccentric-sociopath John Samuelson, this novella tells an epic story full of vain hopes, unjustified anger and freaky whims, in the middle of the Mojave Desert.
Relation of the novel to the artist’s practice
Un Trou Célebre is the result of an artist residency at the Centre for Affective Sciences and Geneva Neuroscience Centre. It shares influences (stone carving, Neuroscience) with other artworks by Jérémie Gindre of the same period.
Authorship: Artist Author.
Creative Strategy: Artwork-Novel Parallel Lives .
Genre: Adventures, Biography, Drama, Historical fiction.
Publishing: Art Books Publishing House.
Theme: Accidents, Chance, Freedom, History, Identity, Memory, Mental Illness, Nihilism, Religion, Sculpture, States of the Self, Violence.
>Un Trou Célèbre
>Une Caverne. Series of 8 drawings and 2 stones. India ink on paper, carved plasterstones 29.7×42cm, 25×25cm. 2010-2011
>Les Outils Cardinaux. Particleboard, India ink on canvas 144×100cm, 60x60cm. 2009-2010. Collection: Fonds municipal d'art contemporain, Genève.
>Passwords Forgotten. Slate flour on aerated concrete, India ink on canvas 85×130×85cm, 80×60cm. 2010
>Some Rocks Seen by George O. Willard on his Way West During Summer 1855, Some of Which he Engraved his Name on. Series of 18 drawings. Ballpen and slate flour on paper 21×30cm, 15×21cm. 2009-2012
> Jérémie Gindre.
> Exhibition: Book Lovers 4.0 (Pop-up Bookstore). De Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam, 28 January 2014 - 02 February 2014.
> Exhibition: The Preparation of the Novel (Book Lovers 5.0). Fabra i Coats - Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, 18 July 2014 - 05 September 2014.
> Ensemble: The Artist's Novel.