Jacob Wren, Families Are Formed Through Copulation, 2007. Book, ink, paper, 14.2 x 19.8 cm, 124 p, language: English (also translated into French: La famille se crée en copulant), publisher: Pedlar Press, ISBN: 1897141122 (ISBN13: 9781897141120).
Linn Cecilie Ulvin, The Sky Behind Is Exhaustingly Blue (Himmelen bak er slitsomt blå), 2000. Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13.5 cm, 157 p, language: Norwegian, publisher: Oslo: Tiden Norsk Forlag A/S, ISBN: 8210044869.
Qei No Mysxdod, Guy de Cointet, Espahor Ledet Ko Uluner!, 1973. Book, ink, paper, 12.7 x 20.3 cm, 80 p, language: Unknown. Self-published .
Romy Rüegger, Der Effekt des Sonnenscheins vom Mond aus gesehen, 2010-2013. Book, 12 x 19 cm, 101 p, language: German, publisher: Self-published, ISBN: N/A.
David Maroto, The South Highway, 2013. Book, ink, paper, 17 x 11 cm, 128 p, language: English, publisher: Dutch Art Institute and CasCo–Office for Art, Design and Theory, ISBN: 978-94-90294-53-3.
Momus (Nick Currie) , Herr F, 2014. Book, ink, paper, 428 p., language : English, German, publisher : Fiktion, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-944818-66-5.
Samuel Hasler, O, A Prayer Book, 2014. Book, ink, paper, 18 x 11 cm, 148 p., language : English, publisher : Book Works, London, ISBN : 978 1 906012 55 7.
Tom McCarthy, Satin Island, 2015. Book, ink, paper, 14.98 x 21.59 cm, 208 p., language : English, publisher : Knopf, New York, ISBN : 978-0307593955.
Benjamin Seror, Mime Radio, 2015. Book, ink, paper, 22 x 14 cm, 136 p., language : English, publisher : Bat; Adéra; CRAC Alsace; Kunstverein, Amsterdam; Sternberg Press, Berlin, ISBN : 978-3-95679-151-2.
Hou Chien Cheng, Brown, 2014. Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17,5 cm, 140 p., language : English, Flemish, West-Flemish, publisher : APE, Art Paper Editions, ISBN : 9789490800222.
Sal Randolph, & Drift, 2015. Mixed Media, language: English, publisher: self-published, ISBN: N/A.
Sharon Kivland, Reading Nana, 2017. Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.5 x 14 cm, 104 p, language: English, French, publisher: MA BIBLIOTHÈQUE, ISBN:978-1-910055-28-1.