M HKA gaat digitaal

Met M HKA Ensembles zetten we onze eerste échte stappen in het digitale landschap. Ons doel is met behulp van nieuwe media de kunstwerken nog beter te kaderen dan we tot nu toe hebben kunnen doen.

We geven momenteel prioriteit aan smartphones en tablets, m.a.w. de in-museum-ervaring. Maar we zijn evenzeer hard aan het werk aan een veelzijdige desktop-versie. Tot het zover is vind je hier deze tussenversie.

M HKA goes digital

Embracing the possibilities of new media, M HKA is making a particular effort to share its knowledge and give art the framework it deserves.

We are currently focusing on the experience in the museum with this application for smartphones and tablets. In the future this will also lead to a versatile desktop version, which is now still in its construction phase.

List of items

Ayn Rand, "The Wreckage of the Consensus"


Date: 1967

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 31,5 x 31,5 cm.

Ayn Rand, "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal"


Date: 1967

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 10,6 x 17,8 x 2 cm.

Ayn Rand, "The Ayn Rand Letter"


Date: 1971

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 28 x 29,5 x 7,5 cm.

Ayn Rand ed., "The Objectivist"


Date: 1971

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp .

Dimensions: 21,5 x 14 x 1,1 cm.

Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden ed., "Objectivist Newsletter"


Date: 1962

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 24,3 x 29 cm.

Judith Butler, "Gender Trouble"


Date: 1990

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 15 x 22,7 x 1,2 cm.

Massenpsychologie und Ich - Analyse

Actors: Sigmund Freud.

Date: 1921

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 21 x 14,5 cm.

Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Environmental Controls and the Impoverishment of Thought


Date: 1954

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 14,7 x 21,5 x 3 cm.

Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Personality Theory and Perception


Date: 1951

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp .

Dimensions: 15,5 x 22,8 x 3,5 cm.

Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel J.Levinson, "The Authoritarian Personality"


Date: 1950

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 16,3 x 24 x 4,5 cm.

John Berger and Jean Mohr, "A Seventh Man: Migrant Workers in Europe"


Date: 1975

Dimensions: 20,3 x 13,5 x 2,3 cm.

Ursula K. Le Guin, "The Word for World is Forest"


Date: 1976

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 14,5 x 21,2 x 2,5 cm.

Ursula K. Le Guin, "The Lathe of Heaven"


Date: 1971

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 14,5 x 21,6 x 2,3 cm.

Ursula K. Le Guin, "The Dispossessed"


Date: 1974

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 10,5 x 17,6 x 2,3 cm.

Ursula K. Le Guin, "The Left Hand of Darkness"


Date: 1969

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 10,7 x 18 x 1,7 cm.

Ursula K. Le Guin, “Is Gender Necessary?"


Date: 1976

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 10,7 x 17,7 x 1,6 cm.

Benedict Anderson, "Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism"


Date: 1983

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 13,4 x 20,2 x 1,2 cm.

Jean-François Lyotard, "La Condition Postmoderne"


Date: 1979

Collection: Collection M HKA.

Dimensions: 21,9 x 13,2 x 0,9 cm.

Wilhelm Worringer, Abstraktion und Einfühlung. Ein Beitrag zur Stilpsychologie


Date: 1921

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 21,5 x 14 x 1,5 cm.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik

Actors: Friederich Nietzsche.

Date: 1930

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 15,5 x 10,3 cm.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Zur Genealogie der Moral

Actors: Friederich Nietzsche.

Date: 1896

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 3,2 x 16 x 23,3 cm.

Julia Kristeva, Pouvoirs de l’Horreur. Essai sur l’Abjection


Date: 1980

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 14 x 20,5 x 1,7 cm.

Simone de Beauvoir, Pour une Morale de l'Ambiguïté


Date: 1947

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 18.5 x 12 cm.

Salman Rushdie, "The Satanic Verses"


Date: 1988

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 21 x 29.7 x 7 cm.

V. Rimalov, "Economic Cooperation Between the USSR and Underdeveloped Countries"


Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 20 x 13 x 1 cm.

First Time in Moscow


Date: 1975

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 16 x 21 cm.

USSR postage stamps


Date: 1970

Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.

Dimensions: 4 x 3 cm.