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Jef Lambrecht, Zwarte Wijze (Figuur) en Balthasar tekst, 1994. Poster, paper, ink (printing), ca. 120 x 85.
Jef Lambrecht, Zwarte Wijze - Kruis (2), 1994. Poster, paper, ink (printing), ca. 120 x 85.
Jef Lambrecht, Zwarte Wijze (Casper?), 1994. Poster, paper, ink (printing), ca. 120 x 85.
Jef Lambrecht, Zwarte Wijze (Melchior?), 1994. Poster, paper, ink (printing), ca. 120 x 85 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Zwarte Wijze (Balthazar?), 1994. Poster, paper, ink (printing), ca. 120 x 85.
Jef Lambrecht, Zwarte Wijze / Lucy, 1994. Poster, paper, ink (printing), ca. 120 x 85.
Christo , Jef Lambrecht, Reichstag-Surroundings, 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, 10 x 15 cm.
Christo , Jef Lambrecht, Reichstag - Lanterne, 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, 10 x 15 cm.
Christo , Jef Lambrecht, Reichstag Partially Dressed, 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, 10 x 15 cm.
Christo , Jef Lambrecht, Reichstag im Negligé - General Views, 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, 10 x 15 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Babylon Saddam's palace, 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, ink , 9 x 12,5 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Karbala, 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, ink , 9 x 12,5 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Abu Dulaf - Samarra 97, 1997. Photography, paper, emulsion, ink , 10 x 15 cm.
Pjeroo Roobjee, Jef Lambrecht, 50 jaar Teirlinck, 1997. Leaflet, paper, ink (printing), A4, var.
Jef Lambrecht, Ah-ah, Monsieur est Persan (invite), 1999. Invitation Card, photostat copy, 10,5 x 15 cm.
Monica Droste, Jef Lambrecht, Het Orgaan (hors serie), 1999. Poster, paper, ink (printing), A3/ 42x30 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Monsieur est Persan (3), 1999. Mixed Media, photographs.
Jef Lambrecht, Monsieur est Persan (2), 1999. Mixed Media, photograph.
Jef Lambrecht, Toni Geirlandt, Andrew Webb, Carlos Montalvo, A. Webb; Line of Saved, 2000. Poster, paper, ink (printing), A4 var.
Pjeroo Roobjee, Jef Lambrecht, Literaire Mistral, 2000. Article, paper, ink (printing), 20 x 10 cm.
Marcel van Maele, Pjeroo Roobjee, Jef Lambrecht, Affiche 1+1=1, 2000. Poster, paper, ink (printing), 50 x 40 cm.
Pjeroo Roobjee, Jef Lambrecht, Fabrique de Culture; de sterfelijken, 2002. Letter, paper, ink (printing), A4.
Koen van den Broek, Jef Lambrecht, Overschot Koen & Jef, 2007. Drawing, paper, pencil, 17 x 20.
Jef Lambrecht, Knipsel: reeks over vaders, 2010. Interview, paper, ink (printing), ca. 25 x 35 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Les Ecrits de Pierre Pingaud (framed), 2015. Print, paper, ink (printing) pen, A4, var; fr A3.
Jef Lambrecht, Les Ecrits de Pierre Pingaud, 2015. Multiple, paper, ink (printing) pen, A4, var.
Jef Lambrecht, Bloemenlandschap (April), 2016. Drawing, paper, coloured pencil, ca. 17 x 25.
Jef Lambrecht, Seringen in de warme Mei, 2016. Drawing, paper, pencil, 17 x 20.