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Bediende (Pensioenskas) JL, 1966. Other, paper, ink, stamps, A5.
Jef Lambrecht, Bediende (Post), 1966. Letter, paper, ink, stamps, A4.
Jef Lambrecht, Vrijstelling Militie JL, 1966. Letter, paper, ink, stamps, A4.
Jef Lambrecht, Militie JL, 1966. Letter, paper, ink, stamps, A4.
Jef Lambrecht, Canada / USA, 1967. Photography, photographic paper, emulsion, 6 x 6 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Canada sightseeing, 1967. Photography, photographic paper, emulsion, 6 x 6 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Canada tabakspluk, 1967. Photography, photographic paper, emulsion, 6 x 6 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Collage Trouvé, 1972. Collage, carton, doily, 12 x 18 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Drawings with children, 1976. Drawing, paper, pencil, A4, var.
Jef Lambrecht, Collage Céleste, 1976. Collage, paper, glue, ink (printing), A4.
Jef Lambrecht, Makrobiotische Levenswijze, 1976. Collage, paper, glue, ink (printing), ca. 12 x 17 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Collage with twenty Francs, 1976. Collage, paper, glue, US Letter, var.
Jef Lambrecht, Collage with green heart, 1976. Collage, paper, glue, ca 20 x 30 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Karel Schoetens, Brochure World - Mail Art Aorta PDF, 1982. Mail Art, paper, ink (printing), A4, var.
Jef Lambrecht, Karel Schoetens, BIWA bekendmaking, 1982. Print, paper, ink (printing), A4.
Jef Lambrecht, The first is in the pain, 1983. Collage, paper, ink (printing) pen, paint glue, ca 40 x 30 cm.
Fred Bervoets, Karel Schoetens, Jef Lambrecht, Oprichting Museum voor Moderne Kunst, 1983. Happening, paper, ink (printing), variable.
Fred Bervoets, Karel Schoetens, Jef Lambrecht, Knipsel Nieuwjaars-museum, 1983. Article, paper, ink (printing), 12 x 18 cm.
Karel Schoetens, Jef Lambrecht, Knipsel Nieuwjaarshappening museum, 1983. Article, paper, ink (printing), ca 20 x 30 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Fulfilment is the moment before, 1984. Painting, paper, paint, pencil, lettraset, ca. 75 x 110.
Jef Lambrecht, Action in Gold (paint), 1984. Painting, paper, paint, ca. 85 x 30 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, M.M.M.M.M., 1984. Painting, paper, paint, 30 x 85 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Why Belgium is a White Spot, 1984. Painting, paper, paint, 85 x 120 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Karel Schoetens, BIWA Perfo II (Karel), 1984. Installation, paper, ink (printing), variable.
Karel Schoetens, Jef Lambrecht, Installing BIWA, Perfo II, 1984. Installation, paper, ink (printing), variable.
Robert Montoya , Karel Schoetens, Jef Lambrecht, Minuit in New York (images 1), 1984. Installation, paper, ink (printing), variable (from dia).
Jef Lambrecht, Karel Schoetens, Hallway, Perfo II (BIWA), 1984. Photography, paper, ink (printing), 10 x 15 cm.
Karel Schoetens, Jef Lambrecht, Museum for Modern Art Kaaba, 1984. Happening, paper, ink (printing), 10 x 15 cm.