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Jimmie Durham, The Center of the World at Middelburg, 1995. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.
Jimmie Durham, A Staff for the Center of the World in Siberia, 1995. Performance.
Jimmie Durham, Pole for the center of the World and Brussels (sic), 1995. Sculpture, wood, mirror, cable, 185 x 6 x 6 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Le bâton pour marquer le centre du monde à Reims, 1996. Sculpture, wood, mirror, 192 x 6 cm.
Jimmie Durham, The Center of the World or How to get at Chalma, 1997. Installation.
Jimmie Durham, A Staff to Mark The Center of the World, Gwangju Biennale, 2004. Sculpture, wood, ink and paint on paper, plastic, 3 pieces, each ca 250 x 10 cm.