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Luc Deleu, Mobile Medium University Revisited (floating U.I.A.), 1972-1982. Mixed Media, wood, plastic, paint, plexi, 110 x 60 x 25 cm.
André Cadere, Barre de bois rond (rouge, jaune, bleu), 1974. Sculpture, wood.
Anne Daems, Zonder titel (Vrouw aan bushalte), 1996. Photography, kleurfoto op aluminium, 38 x 57 cm.
Berlinde De Bruyckere, Spreken [To Speak], 1999. Installation, metal, wood, blankets, polyester, polyurethane, 200 x 140 x 80 cm.
Loreta Visic, Washuis [Laundry House], 2000. Installation, iron, clothing, washing line, 420 x 350 x 500 cm.
Fransje Killaars, Zonder titel [Untitled], 2000. Other.
Johanna Kandl, Ohne titel (Who's got the big picture), 2006. Painting, tempera, canvas, 258 x 354 cm.
Inge Godelaine, Villa Wintermans, 2009. Video, video, fotomontage, 00:50:00.
Tinka Pittoors, Lifestyle Storage, 2014-2017. Mixed Media, 260 x 500 x 450 cm.
Vanessa Van Obberghen, Tracing Cheikh Anta Diop , 2014. Photography, digital print on aluminium foil mounted on dibond, 150 x 100 cm.
Babi Badalov, I am Euromental, 2015. Installation, 27 sheets, ink on cotton, variable dimensions.
Tinka Pittoors, Migrance, 2018. Installation.