M HKA, Antwerpen
23 April 2015 - 31 May 2015
Bernd Lohaus (°1940 - †2010) was one of the key figures from the internationally-oriented avant-garde of the 60s that paved the way for a rich art scene that has since developed here. Lohaus and his contemporaries were radical and uncompromising.
The M HKA set up a major retrospective exhibition of Lohaus back in 1995, and recently, there was a major solo exhibition at Mac’s/Le Grand-Hornu (2013).
Fremdkörper: work from the studio of Bernd Lohaus was not a traditional exhibition. In three movements, work that had not been on display for a long time, including the large, minimal drawings or the monumental sculpture Münster, was showcased once more. Fremdkörper: works from the studio of Bernd Lohaus was no overview of what was left in the studio; it intended to study the capacity of his legacy to broaden the rich image that is already established of the work of Bernd Lohaus, by focusing on the lesser known aspects of his work.
FIRST PRESENTATION: Aus der Blume das Holz
24.04.2015 – 31.05.2015
The flower and timber. Since the late 70s, Bernd Lohaus has often drawn and painted the flower as motif, and at the same time brought his monumental wooden sculptures out into the open. Very rarely did he show them together, as if one excluded the other. In his text Aus der Blume das Holz, the connection and immediacy was finally established.
SECOND PRESENTATION: Versuch einen Satz auszusprechen
02.06.2015 – 28.06.2015
In this arrangement, the emphasis was placed on language, especially language in its compact, poetic and musical form.
THIRD PRESENTATION: Von der Wiederholung der Träume zur Realität
30.06.2015 – 26.07.2015
In the latter arrangement, repetition was the recurring theme. The artist was vocal about what touches him most and felt the need to share this repeatedly with the outside world.
The exhibition was accomplished in cooperation with Anny De Decker and Stella Lohaus.
>Campaign - detail from Bernd Lohaus 'Münster' (1991).
>Know more? Click here for a few words by Hans Theys about the work of Bernd Lohaus following the exhibition 'Fremdkörper: works from the studio of Lohaus - Aus der Blume das Holz' in the M HKA. (short version)
> Bernd Lohaus, Bismarck, 1964. Sculpture, plaster, 30 x 39 x 40 cm.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel (Concrete Poetry), 1965-1966. Drawing, ink, marker on paper.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel (triptiek), 1971. Installation, oil paint on canvas.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel, 1971-1973. Other, oil paint on canvas, 240 x 160 cm.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel, 1975. Painting, oil paint on canvas, 270 x 180 cm per canvas.
> Bernd Lohaus, Münster, 1991. Sculpture, different types of wood and print on vinyl, 1250 x 450 x 38 cm.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel (Series). Drawing, graphite, coloured pencil, chalk on paper.