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Galerie Iris Clert, Jef Verheyen, • 0821 • Ruimte, 1958-1959. Painting, oil paint on canvas, 42 x 32 cm.
Jef Verheyen, • 0544 • Begrenzing van het Niets (Boundary of Nothingness), 1960. Painting, oil and gold paint on canvas, 99 x 80 cm, 100 x 81.5 cm with frame.
Galerie Ad Libitum, Jef Verheyen, Axel Vervoordt, • 0542 • De 4 Elementen: La Terre - Vlaamse Aarde, 1960-1962. Painting, oil paint on burlap, 100 x 80 cm, 117,9 x 98,9 cm with frame.
Jef Verheyen, • 0196 • Zwarte Zomer, 1965. Painting, matt lacquer on canvas, 195 x 195 cm, 198 x 198 cm with frame.
Jef Verheyen, Axel Vervoordt, • 0168 • Untitled (Arc-en-Ciel), 1965-1966. Painting, matt lacquer on canvas, 90 x 90 cm.
Jef Verheyen, Axel Vervoordt, • 223 • Lux est Lex , 1974. Painting, matt lacquer on canvas, 160 x 160 cm each, 173 x 174 cm with frame.
Axel Vervoordt, Maurice Keitelman, Sammlung Helmut Dudé, Jef Verheyen, • 0507 • Nacht - Maan, 1977. Painting, acrylic? paint on canvas, 150 x 150 cm each, diptyque.
Jef Verheyen, • 0279 • Ideale Ruimte I - Espace Idéal - Urbino, 1977. Painting, matt lacquer on canvas, 160 x 160 cm, 163 x 163 cm with frame.
Jef Verheyen, • 0352 • Venus Saphira, 1978-1983. Painting, matt lacquer on canvas, 200 x 324 cm, 204 x 327 cm with frame.
Jef Verheyen, Galerie Schoeller, Axel Vervoordt, • 0332 • L'Empire de la Lumière II , 1983. Painting, jef verheyen, jef verheyen in provence, dialogos, empire des lumières, magritte, 110 x 110 cm.
Jef Verheyen, • 0329 • Grand Luberon Flottant, 1984. Painting, matt lacquer on canvas, 85 x 130 cm.