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Paul Ibou, Calendar 1968, 1968. Object, paper.
Paul Ibou, METAMORPHOSIS, 1968. Book.
Paul Ibou, METAMORPHOSIS N° 12, 1968. Object, plexi, 60 x 60 x 6 cm.
Paul Ibou, METAMORPHOSIS N° 11, 1968. Object, plexi, 60 x 60 x 6 cm.
Paul Ibou, Affiches 'Multi Art Gallery', 1969-1974. Poster.
Multi-Art Press International, Multi-Art Gallery, Paul Ibou, Liliane Emma Staal, Prospectus 1, 1970. Book, paper.
Paul Ibou, 12 Owl Variations, 1970. Book, artist book; paper.
Slothouber-Graatsma, Cubic Color, 1970. Multiple, cardboard, 30.3 x 30.3 cm.
Multi-Art Gallery, Multi-Art Press International, Jef Verheyen, 761 AB=BC (ed. 500), 1970. Multiple, cardboard and coloured paper, 30 x 30 cm (holder), 10 x 10 cm (box), 10 x 10 cm (colour chart).
Paul Ibou, Liliane Emma Staal, Multi-Art Press International, Multi-Art Gallery, MultiArt News 1 - 3 , 1971-1972. Periodical, paper.
Paul Ibou, Calendar 1971, 1971. Object, paper.
Paul Ibou, Liliane Emma Staal, NEW! Multi-Art Gallery & Bookshop. Poster, paper.
Cesar Bailleux, Multi-Art Pocket N°1. Book, ink on paper, 20.5 x 10.5 cm.
Mark Verstockt, 3 x 3D Vision Action. Multiple.
Paul Ibou, 4 Season Greetings. Multiple.