>still from the film 'Meeuwen sterven in de haven' [Seagulls Die in the Harbour], 1955
>Jan Strijbosch, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1958
>exhibition view of 'New Art in Antwerp 1958-1962: the attic myth'
> Jozef Peeters, Versailles, 1921. Painting, aquarel/paper, 16.5 x 23.6 cm.
> Rene Guiette, Visage, 1951. Painting, oilpaint/panel, 30 x 20 cm.
> Roland Verhavert, Rik Kuypers, Ivo Michiels, Meeuwen sterven in de haven [Seagulls Die in the Harbour], 1955. Film.
> Filip Tas, Fotogram, 1957. Photography, fotogram, silver bromide, 28.8 x 39.8 cm.
> Bert De Leeuw, Blauwdruk van het verleden, 1957. Film, oil, canvas, 199 x 90 cm.
> Paul Van Hoeydonck, Compositie 888, 1957. Painting, oil on canvas, 125 x 184 cm.
No image
> Jef Verheyen, De Jonge Vlaamse Schilderkunst, 1958. Book, ink on paper, 21,7 x 14,5 cm.
> Walter Leblanc, Cataract, 1958. Mixed Media, mixed technique/panel, 100 x 81.5 cm.
> Jef Verheyen, Zonder titel, 1958. Painting, oilpaint/jute, 100 x 81 cm.
> Filip Tas, Fotogram 20, 1958. Photography, fotogram, silver bromide, 60 x 50 x 1.6 cm.
> Pol Mara, Bedreiging, 1958. Drawing, gouache (wasverf op papier), 69 x 49 cm.
> Jan Dries, Zeegod, 1958. Sculpture, ceramic, 91 x 40 x 36 cm.
> Cel Overberghe, Compositie, 1958. Painting, oil-paint on picture, 39.5 x 49.5 cm.
> Jan Strijbosch, Zonder titel, 1958. Painting, oil-paint on picture, 68.5 x 82.5 cm.
> Dan Van Severen, Compositie 2, 1958. Painting, oil, canvas, 135 x 100 cm.
> Frank Philippi, Zonder titel, 1959. Photography, fotogram, 90 x 69.4 cm.
> Vic Gentils, IJzeren Kathedraal, 1959. Sculpture, fused. metal, 90 x 34 x 34 cm.
> Jan Ceuleers, Nieuwe kunst in Antwerpen 1958 - 1962 (1) : de zoldermythe, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 25.5 x 18.9 cm, 14 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, ISBN : 00025317.
> Jan Ceuleers, Nieuwe kunst in Antwerpen 1958 - 1962, 2012. Book, ink, paper, 25.5 x 19 cm, 103 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789072828453.
> Herman Denkens, Loesie. Assemblage, assemblage/ wood and shoe-polish, 34 x 37 cm.