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Jef Geys, ABC, Ecole de Paris [ABC, School of Paris], 1959-1961. Installation, mixed media, paper, 7 x (135 x 90 x 5 cm), 7 x (137.7 x 92.1 x 5 cm), 157,2 x 129,5 x 4,5 cm.
Henk Peeters, Rooktekening [Smoke drawing], 1961. Drawing.
Tomislav Gotovac, Showing the Elle magazine, 1962. Photography, ink, paper.
Toon Tersas, Omo wast niet alles wit [Omo Doesn't Wash Everything Out], 1966. Installation, textile, 93 x 50 cm.
Alain Arias-Misson, Vietnam Public Poem, Brussels, 1967, 1967-2011. Mixed Media, 36 x 70.5 x 2.5 cm.
Panamarenko, Prova Car, 1967. Object, tin, cellophane, 95 x 200 x 290 cm.
OHO, Cathedra, Cathedral, Passers-By, 1968. Photography.
Toon Tersas, Portretten uit de Koude Oorlog [Portraits from the Cold War], 1968. Print, ink, paper, 5 x (700 x 560 mm).
Alain Arias-Misson, The G D Public Poem, Brussels, 1968, 1968-2011. Mixed Media, 2 x ( 32 x 110 cm ).
Tomaž Šalamun, Hay, Cornhusks, Bricks, 1969. Photography.
Alain Arias-Misson, Poemx, the Baptismal Public Poem, Knokke, 1970, 1970-2011. Mixed Media, 2 x ( 32 x 110 cm ).
Luc Deleu, Le PAQUEBOT "FRANCE". Voorstel tot recycling van de SS "France" door ombouw tot ideeëntransportschip na de installatie aldaar van de Europa Medium Universiteit, 1970. Print, ink, laminated paper, 116 x 111 cm.
Jozef Robakowski, Rynek [Market], 1970. Film, dvd, 00:05:00.
Paul De Vree, Political poem: (W)AFFE, 1971. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 70 x 84 cm.
Kwiekulik, Activities with Dobromierz, 1972-1974. Installation.
Julius Koller, Univerzálna Fyzkultúrna Orientácia (U.F.O.) (Tenisové maliarstvo – maliarsky tenis) [Universal Physical Culture Operation (U.F.O.) (Tennis Painting – Painting Tennis)], 1972. Photography.
Alain Arias-Misson, Chomsky Generative Grammar Public Poem, Brussels 1972, 1972-2011. Mixed Media, 3 x ( 32 x 110 cm ).
Lili Dujourie, Hommage à ... III, 1972. Video, video, 00:37:02.
Grup de Treball, Treball collectiu que consisteix a verificar la distribució de 44 professions entre 113 persones segons una nota apareguda últimament a la premsa, 1973. Other.
François Morellet, Néon moderne en état de marche [Modern Neon Moving Ahead], 1973. Painting.
Esther Ferrer, Silla Zaj [Zaj Chair], 1973. Mixed Media.
Paul De Vree, Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf, 1973. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 82 x 67 cm.
Paul De Vree, Parlement, 1973. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 55 x 70 cm.
Paul De Vree, Hysteria makes history, 1973. Drawing, photo emulsion, canvas, 95 x 68 cm.
Antoni Muntadas, Emission - Réception, 1973-1974. Installation, slides.
Paul De Vree, Staking 2, 1974. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 44 x 87 cm.
Luc Deleu, Project for international Dunghill, 1974. Other, ink, paper, 134 x 100 cm.