Brief histories of cleaning

Peter Lemmens


Book, 20.3 x 12.6 cm, 194 p, publisher : MÅNGATA BOOKS (Diversions Publishing), ISBN : 9781500664718.
Materials: Ink, paper

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp (Inv. no. B 2026/632).

Literary synopsis

For a year, Peter Lemmens cleaned his computer’s keyboard with a novel. As result: a narrative layer over an illegible text.

Relation of the novel to the artist’s practice

As part of his artistic practice, Peter Lemmens has been publishing small press editions. These publications often invoke different readings. Peter Lemmens sees amateurism as a productive mode. Here the accidental is installed as a narrative structure. For about a year, an indecipherable, ficitional language was produced by cleaning a computer’s keyboard. However, this mundane action is still legible as amateruristic writing. It simply demands a different set of parameters to read it, a system slightly apart from regular fiction.

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