For Panamarenko, the multiple is a way to spread his work. Only if the 'idea' is sufficient for a particular work, the original idea can be better preserved through multiplication. The starting point is by no means pampering the public or meeting the wishes of the market. On the contrary. After all, when realizing multiples, the great danger lies in easy 'fantasies', while Panamarenko's primary concern is not to lose the original idea for a work. The decision to publish a work as a multiple is an artistic decision that is of the same order as, for example, the decision to cast a work in bronze.
Below is a selection of multiples:
> Panamarenko, Meganeudon, 1973.Multiple, fiberglas, hout, plexi, ijzer, motor, 15.3 x 36 x 12.5 cm.
> Panamarenko, Reis naar de sterren [ Voyage to the Stars], 1979.Multiple, iron, copper, wood and electric motor, 22 x 41 x 55 cm.
> Panamarenko, Reis naar de sterren II [ Voyage to the Stars II], 1985.Multiple, ink, paper, plastic, 60 x 90 cm.
> Panamarenko, Encarsia Formosa, 1987.Multiple, copper, iron, pvc, electric motor, batteries, 21.5 x 40 x 12.8 cm.
> Panamarenko, Flying Carpet, 1992.Multiple, ink, paper, 33.5 x 39.5 cm.
> Panamarenko, Viaggio alle stelle, 1996.Multiple, bl&w print, montage depicting adamski saucer, 44 x 76 cm.
> Panamarenko, Toekan, 2001.Multiple, colour photocopy, 30.4 x 44 cm.
> Panamarenko, Catapult Max, 2002.Multiple, colour print with punced parts stuck on, and heightened with silver paint. colour print stuck on., 197.5 x 123 cm.
> Panamarenko, Bing II, 2003.Multiple, mixed media, 60 x 60 x 18 cm.
> Panamarenko, Bing II, 2003.Multiple, ink, paper, 129 x 80 cm.
> Panamarenko, Donnariet, 2003.Multiple, mixed media, 60 x 90 x 48 cm.
> Panamarenko, Hinky Pinky Prova Car, 2004.Multiple, mixed media, 35 x 19 x 75 cm.
> Panamarenko, Noordpool Arlikoop, 2004.Multiple, inkjet print, polyester coated canvas, 136 x 102 cm.
> Panamarenko, Propslibelle, 2005.Multiple, mixed media, 10 x 60 x 30 cm, 27.5 x 71.5 x 41.5 cm.
> Panamarenko, Copyright Panamarenko, 2005.Multiple, ink, paper, 60 x 45 cm.