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Wim Delvoye, Twee Delftse Butaangasflessen [Two Delft Blue Butane Containers], 1988. Sculpture, butane bottles, enamel paint, 58 x 30 cm.
Barbara Kruger, We Are Not What We Seem, 1988. Collage, screen print, vinyl, chassis, 276 x 243 cm.
Thierry De Cordier, Hoofdbreker [Head-Breaker], 1988. Sculpture, wood, paint, 42 x 33 x 73 cm.
Ria Pacquée, Waiting for my man who lost the war, 1989. Photography, colour photograph, 106.5 x 150 cm.
Robert Gober, Drain, 1989. Sculpture, tin, lood, 13 x 13.5 x 13.5 cm.
Cady Noland, Oozewald, 1989. Sculpture, aluminium, nylon, silver cloth, 180 x 90 x 73 cm.
Jeff Koons, Puppy PP1, 1992. Object, green plush / stuffed animal, 25.4 x 22.9 x 16.5 cm .
Jeff Koons, Red Balloon Dog, 1995. Object, metallized porcelain, 26.67 x 26.67 cm.
Music Video's That Shaped The 80's, 2010-2012. Video, video, colour, sound, 00:60:00.
Robert Mapplethorpe, Annemirl - De Macht der Theaterlijke Dwaasheden. Photography, 70 x 68 cm.