Installation, variable dimensions.
©image: Philippe De Gobert
Collection: Collection of the Institut d'Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France.
On-going project, started in 1994 at the exhibition Architexture in Antwerp. The framed watercolour drawings are presented in the form of crosses.
“Italo Calvino, if he had been in Marseille with Sandra Cattini and I after the crusades had ended, could have explained that the “Faut Tarot” of the Franc-Plombiers were actually older and more authentic in spirit than other inspirational, historical, or fortune-telling devices, because one may use them for architectural instruction”. [full text by Jimmie Durham bellow]
Add to your list>Les Faux-Tarots des Franc-Plombier at Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, 1994
>Les Faux-Tarots des Franc-Plombier
>Text by Jimmie Durham about the Faux-Tarots des Franc-Plombier
> Jimmie Durham.
> Exhibition: Architexture. Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp, 29 October 1994 - 24 December 1994.
> Exhibition: Jimmie Durham – A Matter of Life and Death and Singing. M HKA, Antwerpen, 25 May 2012 - 18 November 2012.
> Ensemble: Jimmie Durham 1994 - 2012.
> Ensemble: Drawings, Display and other 2D Work.