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Panamarenko, Fiberglass vleugelstructuur voor Meganeudon, 1970. Object, fiberglass, rope, glue, 213 x 83 x 4 cm.
Panamarenko, Meganeudon, 1973. Multiple, fiberglas, hout, plexi, ijzer, motor, 15.3 x 36 x 12.5 cm.
Panamarenko, Umbilongo, 1975. Drawing, pencil, felt-tipped pen, paper, 98 x 152 cm.
Panamarenko, Wing, 1977. Drawing, ink, pencil, paper, 100 x 180 cm.
Panamarenko, Fruitvliegmechanisme [Fruit Fly Mechanism], 1984. Object, bakelite, cellophane, wire, perspex, paint, 19 x 50.3 x 16 cm.
Panamarenko, Houten plaatje met afdruk van Meganeudonvleugel, met vastgeniette zwart-wit foto, 1985. Object, wood, paper, prototype for non-published multiple, 10 x 21 x 0.5 cm (with photo 3.5 x 4.5 cm).
Panamarenko, Encarsia Formosa, 1987. Multiple, copper, iron, pvc, electric motor, batteries, 21.5 x 40 x 12.8 cm.
Panamarenko, Panamarenko, Raven's Variable Matrix, 2000. Poster, ink, paper, 49 x 72 cm.