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Toon Tersas, He was born in Hobita, 1985. Drawing, washed ink, 65 x 50 cm.
Thomas Ruff, Zonder Titel (Portret van Frank Müller) [Untitled (Portrait of Frank Müller)], 1985. Collage, photograph, 210 x 167 x 4 cm.
Luc Tuymans, Antichambre [Anteroom], 1985. Painting, oil, canvas, 70 x 80 cm.
Luc Tuymans, La Correspondance [The Correspondence], 1985. Painting, oil on canvas, 140 x 100 cm.
Guy Mees, Verloren ruimte [Lost space], 1985. Collage, paper, pastel, 123 x 223 cm.
Bruce Nauman, Good Boy, Bad Boy, 1985. Installation, dvd, digital betacam, 2 monitors, 2 players, 01:00:00, 00:52:00.
Maria Nordman, For a new City 1987, 1986. Drawing, acryl, pencil, ink, paper, 745 x 110 cm.
Luc Tuymans, Hotelkamer [Hotel Room], 1986. Artist Novel, oil, canvas, 50 x 60 cm.
Lili Dujourie, The Kiss, 1986. Sculpture, wood, textiles, glass, silver, fluid, 432 x 102.5 x 244 cm.
Hugo Duchateau, De groeiende ladder [The growing ladder], 1987. Sculpture, wood, latex, 190 x 1950 cm.
Thierry De Cordier, Le Discours Alpin [The Alpine Discourse], 1987. Print, ink, paper, 42 x 25 cm.
Guillaume Bijl, Mon Chalet [My Chalet], 1987. Installation, mixed media, 310 x 310 x 230 cm.
Barbara Kruger, We Are Not What We Seem, 1988. Collage, screen print, vinyl, chassis, 276 x 243 cm.
Donald Judd, 157-166 Untitled, 1988. Print, glass, paper, 10 x (60 x 84 cm).
Ria Pacquée, Zes foto's van verschillende performances 1982 - 1988 [Six photographs of various performances 1982 - 1988], 1989. Photography, colour photograph, marouflage on canvas, 6 x (40 x 50 cm).
Cady Noland, Oozewald, 1989. Sculpture, aluminium, nylon, silver cloth, 180 x 90 x 73 cm.
Jef Geys, Uruguay - Montevideo - Architect unknown, 1991. Object, wood, plexi, 40 x 35.5 x 27 cm.
Jef Geys, Czechoslovakia - House in Prague - 1985 - Bocân, 1991. Object, wood, plexi, 24 x 35 x 27 cm.
Guy Mees, Verloren ruimte [Lost space], 1991. Collage, wood, paper, 190 x 92 cm.
Andrea Fraser, May I Help You?, 1991. Video, dvd, 00:20:00.
Narcisse Tordoir, Personnage [Character], 1991. Sculpture, mirrors, panels, silkscreen, acrylic, 8 x (40 x 40 cm), 2 x (50 x 185 cm).
Koka Ramishvili, War from My Window, 1991-1992. Installation, b/w photo, 12 x (30 x 40 cm).
Guy Mees, Plint [Plinth], 1992. Photography, paper, 130.6 x 91.2 cm.
Hermann Pitz, Duplex Rehearsal, 1992. Installation, light box, 125 x 10 x 62 cm.
Andrea Fraser, Posters for Antwerpen '93 (from the series ‘On taking on a normal situation’), 1993. Poster, ink, paper.
Mark Manders, Fragment uit zelfportret als gebouw [Fragment from self-portrait as a building], 1993. Installation, yton, foil, steel, variable dimensions.
Douglas Gordon, Self-Portrait (Kissing with Scopolamine), 1994. Photography, dia projection, variable.
Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, De Oogst [The Harvest], 1994. Collage, paper, 210.5 x 152 cm.