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Michelangelo Pistoletto, Divisione e moltiplicazine dello specchio [Division and Multiplication of the Mirror], 1978. Sculpture, wood, goldpaint, mirror, 2 x (100 x 45 cm).
Luc Tuymans, Antichambre [Anteroom], 1985. Painting, oil, canvas, 70 x 80 cm.
Pieter Laurens Mol, Specific Impulse, 1985. Photography, ink, paper, 93 x 83.5 cm.
Ado Hamelryck, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1988. Drawing, wood, cardboard, gesso, blackboard paint, graphite pencil, 126 x 60 cm.
Anish Kapoor, Untitled, 1991. Sculpture, pigment, stone, 122 x 77 x 101 cm.
Jan Van Oost, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1993. Installation, plaster, velvet, wig, 80 x 80 x 80 cm.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Attributen en substantie, 1993. Film, acrylic paint, canvas, 150 x 99.5 x 6.5 cm.
Wim Delvoye, Betonmolen [Cement Mixer], 1993. Sculpture, wood, lacquer, 128 x 155 x 92 cm.
Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, De Oogst [The Harvest], 1994. Collage, paper, 210.5 x 152 cm.
Juan Muñoz, Conversation Piece with a Stick, 1994. Sculpture, brass, 158 x 90 cm.
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Nursing Activities, Direct (Verpulveren) [Nursing Activities, Direct (Pulverizing)], 1995-1998. Installation, videoband vhs, hout, metaal, 190,5 x 529 x 75 cm (geheel), 2 x 1 m (platen).
Luc Tuymans, Vlaams dorp [Flemish village], 1995. Artist Novel, oil, canvas, 110.5 x 144.5 cm.
Marlene Dumas, Slight Delight, 1996. Drawing, aquarelle, paper, 125 x 70 cm.
Marlene Dumas, Sailor's Dream, 1996. Drawing, watercolour, paper, 125 x 70 cm.
Marlene Dumas, Mis-Cast, 1996. Drawing, aquarelle, paper, 125 x 70 cm.
Marlene Dumas, Indian Summer, 1996. Drawing, aquarelle, paper, 125 x 70 cm.
Marlene Dumas, Blind Joy, 1996. Drawing, aquarel on paper, 125 x 70 cm.
Ann Veronica Janssens, La pluie météorique, 1997. Installation, gravel, variable dimensions.
Hans Op de Beeck, Location I, 1998. Installation, wood, polystyrene, sand, glue, pvc, plastic, plexi, glass, electronics, frescolithe paint, lamp, 188 x 310 x 260 cm and 320 x 400 x 500 cm.
Hicham Benohoud, Untitled [from the series 'La salle de classe n°2'], 2000-2002. Photography, silver gelatine print, 60 x 80 cm.
Berlinde De Bruyckere, In Flanders Fields, 2000. Installation, horse skin, polyester, metal, plastic, blankets, variable dimensions.
Hicham Benohoud, Untitled [from the series 'Version soft'], 2003. Photography, silver gelatine print, 60 x 80 cm.
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Mar Rosso - Sedie Love Difference [Red Sea – Love Difference Chairs], 2005. Installation, 4 x (78 x 46 cm).
Job Koelewijn, Boys & Girls, 2006. Multiple, wood, 3 x (200 x 80 x 40 cm).
Koen van den Broek, Madonna, 2010. Film, oil on canvas, 93.5 x 85.5 cm .