Filter: All categoriesArticle Article Artist Book Artist Novel Assemblage Assemblage Audio and visual equipment Audio and visual equipment Book Book Ceramics Collage Collage Computer Animation Digital image Drawing Drawing Film Film Film Happening Installation Installation Intervention Intervention Interview Invitation Card Keynote Leaflet Leaflet Letter Letter Mail Art Maquette Media Archaeology Media Archaeology Miscellaneum Miscellaneum Mixed Media Mixed Media Multiple Multiple Object Object Other Other Painting Painting Painting Performance Performance Periodical Periodical Photography Photography Poetry Poetry Postcard Poster Poster Print Print Projection Prototype Realized Work Review Sculpture Sculpture Series Sketch test Text Text Textile Video Video
Hugo Roelandt, Een dag in het leven van een ster / A Day in the Life of a Star, 1971. Video, 16 mm film, 00:12:01.
Hugo Roelandt, Kiek - Vicious Kabaret, 1974. Photography, photo; ink on paper, 52 x 39.5 cm.
Hugo Roelandt, De 4 seizoenen / The 4 Seasons, 1977. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Als u precies doet wat wij zeggen (of niet zo precies) dan maakt u zelf het stuk / If you do exactly (or not exactly) what we tell you to do, you create your own performance, 1978. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Kaaitheaterperformance / Kaaitheater Performance, 1979. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 1, 1980. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 2(B), 1980. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 3, 1981. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Auto Matic Art Project, 1983. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Aeromatic Art Project 1, 1983. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Aigua Bellugada / De vorm van water / The Shape of Water, 1985. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Auto Mobile Tergicristallo, 1985. Performance.
Marc Holthof, Greet Verlinden, Hugo Roelandt, Circulatie / Circulation, 1985. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Boelproject / Boel Project, 1985. Performance.
Hugo Roelandt, Pavimenti, 1987. Installation.